Dreams are what make the world go round!

I love to daydream on any type of day. The truth is, daydreaming is a great hobby and can be a very productive activity.

Wikipedia, the free online encyclopedia defines it this way;

“Dreams can involve fantasies about future scenarios or plans, or reminiscences of past experiences, and can include vivid dream-like mental images …”

Daydreaming about the past is fun and even healthy if it helps us build on the great lessons we’ve learned. It can be detrimental to our progress if we live in the past constantly daydreaming about what might have been. Dreams is a hot topic with a recent web search that produced over 132,000,000 pages of information.

I have often found that when I share my dreams for the future with others, the response I get falls into two categories. Those who support my vision and those who politely dismiss my musings as impossible dreams. I wish I could say that the first group surpasses the second, but it is not like that.

One of my favorite authors, professional speakers, and life coaches is John Maxwell. In a recent article he talked about the importance of dreams. It reminded me of five actions to take when exploring my dream potential.

Believe in your ability to succeed – This is one of the hardest things for anyone to do when faced with opposition. The key to making this easier lies in spending adequate time clarifying your purpose, vision, and mission statements.

Get rid of your pride – If we think that we have discovered everything and that we have arrived, we will never fulfill our dreams. It is critical to success in life that we make room in our lives for fresh new dreams that keep us motivated.

Constructive cultivate discontent – It is very easy to just sit back and be satisfied with the current level of success. I was in that place not long ago. Unfortunately, life has a way of changing direction without warning and you quickly realize that complacency never brings success.

Escape clothes – A habit is defined as “a. A recurring, often unconscious pattern of behavior that is acquired through frequent repetition. B. An established disposition of mind or character …”. It’s so easy to allow habits to dictate reality. What we have to do to be successful is not accept what is without first considering what it could be.

Balancing creativity with character – I know several very creative people who have done very little with their creative talents. They often talk about taking action, but invariably they don’t. The truth is, everyone has a built-in creative edge. The important thing is to use enough creativity to think about what dream you want to come true and then use enough character to start developing it.

As I said at the beginning I love daydreaming but not only for the escape it provides from reality. Dreams are a wonderful source of new ideas. It’s amazing what can be done with a little creativity and hard work. What about your daydreams? Are you spending time dreaming or are you ready to put those “fantasies about future scenarios or plans” into practice?

Remember: the best is yet to come!

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