Executive Coaching for the Leadership of the Future – Five Competencies for the Leaders of the Future

Executive Coaching for the Leadership of the Future – Five Competencies for the Leaders of the Future

Five priorities for the future

In Global Leadership: the Next Generation (Goldsmith, M., Greenberg, CL, Robertson, A. & Hu-Chan, M.; FT Prentice Hall, 2003), more than 200 executives were selected for their high potential for future leadership of 120 international companies. The results reveal five key competencies for tomorrow’s leaders:

1. Think globally: Leaders will need to understand the economic, cultural, legal, and political environments in which they do business. New skills and knowledge will be required for international marketing, sales and production. A global perspective is a high priority.

2. Appreciate cultural diversity: This competition requires more flexibility and openness than ever. Cultural tension is a natural byproduct of the global business environment, and leaders will need to be adept at managing it. The ability to bring disparate groups of knowledge workers to consensus will be crucial.

3. Develop technological knowledge: information and communications systems are the backbone of the global company. While CEOs may not be technology experts, they must make decisions about which advancements to adopt and how to allocate technology investments wisely.

4. Building partnerships and alliances: As a result of all the reengineering, restructuring, and downsizing, many activities are being outsourced. This requires a greater ability to negotiate complex alliances and manage network relationships. Joint leadership will be key.

5. Shared leadership: Shared leadership responsibilities will be required to navigate global alliances. Executive team leaders, with a common vision and purpose in mind, will collaborate to make effective decisions and strive for integration, not control.

It is important to remember that leadership is an emergent quality that is produced by the actions of many people in complex systems. The corporate culture must recognize and accept the need for leaders to get help. Leaders cannot walk on water or jump tall buildings, no matter how strong they appear to be. Executive coaches are necessary for the continued development of leadership strengths, and will be even more so in the future.

Working with an experienced executive coach trained in emotional intelligence and incorporating leadership assessments like the BarOn EQi and CPI 260 can help you become a more inspirational and visionary leader. He can become a leader who models emotional intelligence and social intelligence, inspiring people to happily commit to the company’s strategy and vision.

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