exercise methods

exercise methods

Various exercise systems have been developed over the years, the most popular among them being the Swedish system and yoga asanas, the latter practiced since ancient times in India. Whichever system you choose to adopt, the exercises must be done systematically, regularly, and under proper guidance.

To be really useful, the exercise must be performed in such a way that it puts into action all the

body muscles naturally. Walking is one of those exercises. Yet it’s so soft on

character that one must walk several kilometers quickly to build a good amount of

exercise. Other forms of good exercise are swimming, cycling, horseback riding, tennis, etc.


No strenuous exercise of any kind should be done for an hour and a half after eating, or

immediately before meals. Weak patients and those suffering from serious diseases such as cancer,

heart disease, tuberculosis, and asthma should not engage in vigorous exercise except under the

supervision of a competent physician. If the exercise makes you tired, stop immediately. Tea

The purpose of the exercise should be to make you feel refreshed and relaxed and not tired.

The most important rule of thumb for your fitness plan is to start with very light exercise and increase

the effort in gradual and easy stages. The feeling of well-being will begin almost immediately.

One can start with a brisk walk of 15-20 minutes. A comfortable feeling of tiredness should

to be love It is worthless and possibly harmful to burn out or have a serious lack of

breath. Perhaps, one should aim for activities that need around two thirds of their maximum

skill. One way to test is to count your own pulse.

Pulse counting is pretty easy. Feel the pulse in your left wrist with the three middle fingers of

your right hand She presses hard enough to easily feel the rhythm. Now count the number of beats

in 15 seconds, with the help of a watch with a clear second hand, and calculate your rate for

multiplying by four. At rest, the heart beats 70 to 80 times per minute. This rate increases during

exercise. Really vigorous can produce rhythms as high as 200 beats per minute or more.

A reasonable goal is to exercise at about two-thirds of maximum capacity. It follows that the heart rate

it should be around 130 per minute during and just after exercise. Always avoid overexertion and

never let your pulse rate go above 190 per minute minus your age.

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