My Vaginal Opening Feels Rough – Could It Be A Yeast Infection? Find out the answer in 15 minutes

Surprisingly, many women ask themselves this question. Why is this such a common question? 75% of all women suffer from vaginal yeast infection and are looking for answers and solutions to the problem.

The answer to the question lies in understanding the symptoms and effects that a yeast infection has on the female body. Symptoms include: itching or redness of the vagina and vulva; a thick, white, creamy vaginal discharge; and discomfort and / or pain during sexual intercourse.

If you’ve had a yeast infection, I don’t need to waste time telling you that vaginal itching due to yeast infection can drive you crazy. The discharge that accompanies the infection irritates the skin and causes it to constantly itch. It is the most tormenting itch you can experience and the worst part is that it can affect all areas of the vulva.

It is extremely difficult not to continually scratch or rub something abrasive on the skin in an effort to get some relief. This is where the additional problems begin. Constant scratching or rubbing irritates and sometimes breaks the skin. When it begins to heal, the skin can develop scabs and that is the rough sensation that many women feel on the outer area of ​​the vulva.

If you experience itching near the vaginal opening or if scratching covers that area, you may be breaking the skin and in the healing process it may feel rough.

Now there are other conditions that can cause vaginal itching and roughness. Dermatitis is the most common cause of chronic vulvar symptom. In some cases, vulvar dermatitis may be due to a genetic predisposition to allergies and hypersensitivity. Similar to a yeast infection, the initial symptoms will be itching followed by scratching. However, the difference is that with dermatitis there is no discharge.

If you are one of the thousands of women asking the question “My vaginal opening feels rough, could it be yeast infection? There are four easy self-tests you can do in the privacy of your home that will answer your question.

1. Make a list of your symptoms. A yeast infection will not only be itchy, it will also have a discharge and a strange smell.

2. Take note of your clothes. Have you scratched at the area that feels rough so that the skin could have been broken? If so, it is possible that scabs have formed.

3. Check the appearance of your underwear or pajamas. As a result of scratching, many times if the skin is broken, you will see small spots of blood.

4. Perform a simple self-exam by touching the area after cleaning and drying the area. Does the skin feel rough or does it feel like you have scabs on the skin?

If you’ve recently treated a yeast infection and still have rough skin, remember that it may take a while for symptoms to go away, as the skin on the vulva generally takes longer to heal than in other areas of the body.

If you suspect you have a yeast infection, don’t just treat the symptoms. Find out what you need to do to permanently cure the cause of your yeast infection or it will most likely recur.

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