My Wife Never Wants To Make Love: The Rare Truth Of Why It’s Your Fault And How To Change It

My Wife Never Wants To Make Love: The Rare Truth Of Why It’s Your Fault And How To Change It

Are you in that terrible place in your marriage where you say my wife never wants to make love?

That happens a lot in marriages, and it’s never a good sign.

In fact, it is a very good indication of what your wife thinks of you and her level of attraction towards you. And never believe the myth that this is just “what happens” after being married for a while. It’s not supposed to happen!

Why are you worried and say that my wife never wants to make love?

There is a very solid reason why your wife doesn’t want to make love to you. It’s simple and it’s a problem.

It’s the fact that she’s not attracted to you. Well duh you say, no joke. But here’s the problem. You have probably been conditioned by society to think that this is what happens in marriage. Or you looked in the mirror and thought that maybe there was something wrong with your appearance that she doesn’t like anymore.

Both wrong! She is no longer attracted to you because of the man you have become (or have not become) in her eyes.

Now here’s the hard part, and what most husbands don’t understand. She may not even realize that this is why she is no longer attracted to you. So, in other words, if you say my wife never wants to make love, or that she’s not attracted to you, she probably doesn’t even know why she doesn’t. I guess this gives you an edge in some way… kind of like a little secret. That sounds like a lot of conspiracy theory… but here’s what I mean.

His wife has DNA in her dating back to primitive days that makes her instinctively want a MAN who is a real MAN. A boy that she really can’t tame in some way.

Here is the proof! Back when you were dating, did you ever like or fall for a woman who had a crush on a jerk? Did you wonder what the hell she saw in this guy? Why doesn’t she like me when I’m so nice to her?

Well, the fact is that she saw that guy as more of a man with COURAGE. Back in the caveman days, it would have been the fact that she saw him as the one who could protect her, give her some good, healthy babies, and basically keep her alive. He was the guy who would be the man of the house. And he couldn’t be some kind of sissy.

However, what most men do not understand is that this instinct does not change just because a woman has married. She still instinctively wants the exact same thing in a man. However, since society has changed, her conscious mind has become a paradox and she is now doing things against her very nature to take away your masculinity.

In short, he’s turning YOU into exactly what he doesn’t want. It sounds weird but it is absolutely true.

I didn’t think so either, but when I found this out and started doing the right things and becoming the man of the house (the right way), I instantly became more attractive to my wife. She almost couldn’t help it, even though the transition was a bit risky at first. She was against what she consciously thought she wanted me to be, but she couldn’t help but REALLY enjoy what she was turning me into.

And basically, once I started doing these things correctly, I no longer had to say that my wife never wants to make love.

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