One guest at many tables

What do you do to escape? when you really need to blow up the chicken coop and back out of the suction? Do you walk into your cryogenic decompression chamber, drink a lot of Boone’s Farm wine, and breathe in and out of a paper bag? Maybe you can mow your lawn in your underwear. To each his own! Me? I visit friends or family and share a drink or meal to comfort myself. If I am having a personal struggle, I could trust them to hear their pearls of wisdom. Other times we just share a few laughs.

When I was little, I did the same. Things got a little tricky at my house. When I say furry, I mean there was a lot of screaming. This was not the place you would go to mediate a conflict, you know what I mean? I escaped the chaos by hopping on my Schwinn banana seat bike and visiting the many families in our neighborhood.

While on these “freedom walks”, I felt the proverbial wind in my hair and bounced off my feet. Each family had a different nickname for me. The McCrees called me Loretta, at the Tweedles, I was Mary Lou, at Flanagan’s house, I heard Maryola, and at the Pittmans, I passed Roberta. I had a lot of fun in other people’s houses! I found a lot of peace in their sanctuaries without screaming (at least that’s what it felt like in my young mind). It was time for dinner and they invited me to stay. This was extraordinary! I was able to see how other families “make life.” I was lucky enough to enjoy what they ate and it was always great! Isn’t the food that other people prepare just extraordinary? I was the recipient of some of the best food in Port Arthur, Texas! There was other people’s gumbo, other people’s meatloaf, roast beef, pork chops, chicken fricassee, and many types of Cajun-style meat; topped with onions and bell peppers. My taste buds are now on a slow trip back in time!

Well, I’m back.

This eating and eating pattern continues to this day. I have been inspired by the fabulous cooking skills of each family and now, as an adult, I absolutely adore cooking! One of my great pleasures in life is preparing a fancy meal for friends and family or gladly inviting my son’s friends over for dinner. I am happy to return the kindness you gave me! I am privileged to have been invited to so many tables. Not only did the adults teach me what many cookbooks couldn’t, they gave me the extra nurturing and care that I so desperately wanted.

Whether it’s entertaining friends with a few unforgettable dishes, whipping up a quick snack, or bringing my plate for a potluck, cooking and sharing meals with others is still my escape. Now I have better wheels!

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