What are the so-called phantom real estate investment deals?

As more and more investors return to the market, they will bid for properties against more experienced investors. This bidding, especially on new REOs (bank owned properties) can get fierce. Once an investor understands the Phantom Offering strategies, they can use them to their advantage like the pros. The term phantom deals likely originated from

What are the benefits and risks of implementing global help desk services?

The benefits of a global help desk service are many and that is why many corporate giants invest in a global help desk partner. However, the risk associated with the divestiture of a significant portion of your business cannot be ignored. Benefits of implementing global help desk services Single point of contact A global help

Keyword snipping: what is keyword snipping and how is it done?

Before getting into this, please understand that I am not an SEO expert. I know what works for me and I hope this article will introduce you to things that will help you with your marketing and make money. About 3 years ago, the keyword sniper concept was introduced. Basically this marketing strategy relies on