Betty Boop figures: how to find and value them

Betty Boop figurines: fine arts and worthwhile investment Collectibles have long been a popular pursuit for fans of TV shows, cartoons, movies, and comics. Collecting memorabilia from these forms of entertainment makes for a fun, exciting, and often profitable hobby for many fans. Even once the obsession or fascination with a particular show or character

Ready with your IP request submission – consider these three parameters

While doing research and development, we often came across some creative ideas, processes, and concepts that don’t exist. As an inventor, you have the right to enjoy all the benefits of what you have invented, and obtaining a patent can provide legal protection for this. Since US patent law switched to first-file-first-invent system in 2013,

Restaurant management tips for a smooth running restaurant

Drive sales through the magic of service: Implementation of sales techniques in your restaurant Do you think sales happen by magic? In a sense, you’re right, because you create magic with your guests’ positive impressions of your restaurant’s food and service. Management and employees must drive sales. Your service people are your main sales people.

Your 2020 Guide on How to Get the Most Out of Video Marketing

Video content marketing tips and trends In recent years, we have seen a massive increase in video content appearing online, and there is no sign of it slowing down. From creating webinars to placing short clips in emails, a video marketing strategy is a must if you want to truly engage with your audience to

Amateur bodybuilding: the six keys any bodybuilding fan needs to succeed

Ok, the bottom line is that you want huge muscles and ripped abs. You want to make the biggest leap forward in mass gain in the shortest time possible, right? Every hobbyist enters the bodybuilding game with these goals, but along the way they drift into fancy workout programs and fun new supplements and forget