Think green kitchen

With the keen awareness that we all now have regarding the protection of our environment, restaurants and food establishments are jumping on the bandwagon. With your contribution, there should be a substantial difference in the near future.

Order your pizza from a place that uses organic ingredients. Even better, does your delivery driver use a hybrid car? Do you have solar or wind devices to reduce electrical costs? Do you use recycled materials for your packaging?

Suggest to your favorite restaurants that they use local farmers for their fruits and vegetables whenever possible. Do not allow food or drink to be served or scooped out on Styrofoam. Ask them to buy and serve only organically grown and fair trade coffee, tea and hot chocolate. If their favorite place has outdoor seating, encourage them to use recycled outdoor furniture and reusable plates, glasses, and silverware.

You can do your part at home in your own kitchen. Check the seal on your refrigerator. You don’t want cold air to come out. Replace the seals if they are not tight. If you rinse your dishes before putting them in the dishwasher, do so with cold water instead of hot. All you’re trying to do is remove the debris, not the grease … the dishwasher will do it.

Convection ovens conserve more energy than the standard variety, because they use less cooking time and lower temperatures. Self-cleaning ovens are good because they have tighter seals and much better insulation. And use the light to take a look at your food. Every time you open the oven the temperature drops 25 degrees and it has to reheat.

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