Top 10 SEO Strategies Small Businesses Should Follow In 2018

Everyone wants to attract more eyes to their website. Strong and effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategies have the potential to bring your site to the top of Google’s organic search rankings, leading to the growth of your business. SEO is a fast moving field. Therefore, it is not surprising that you find people who

Hosted VoIP: Changing the Landscape of Business Communications

Every day, companies across the United States try to do the same to improve their businesses. Whether it’s a typical “mom and dad” SMB, a midsize business with 250 employees, or a Fortune 100 company, they all share the same four basic goals. 1) Reduce costs. 2) Increase income. 3) Be more flexible to changing

Consider restoring a vintage Chrysler, Plymouth, Dodge, or Desoto

More and more vintage Chrysler cars and trucks are being salvaged from fields, forests, junkyards and shredders. The reason for this change in hobby is largely related to the fact that as Fords and Chevy (yawns) become less and less numerous and therefore harder to find in good restorable condition, the Restaurateurs and street lovers

Your New Retirement Lifestyle: Volunteering (Part 1)

The way I see it, you probably have a lot of valuable life skills experiences behind you that you can share. When I think of the spirit of volunteerism, I remember Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter and their long-term support for Habitat for Humanity International. When the Carters unexpectedly left the White House, they were determined

What is HALT in sex addiction recovery?

The acronym HALT stands for hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. This acronym was designed to remind those recovering from sex addiction to never feel too hungry, angry, lonely, or tired. These emotions are natural stresses and stress creates vulnerability. Vulnerability tends to bring out the behaviors associated with your sex addiction. By remembering to attend

Determine the difference between an independent contractor and an employee

In my practice of advising business owners, they ask this question all the time. What is the difference between an independent contractor and an employee? I have found that most business owners are misclassifying their employees or contractors, which could lead to serious problems down the road. We answer this question by analyzing the background