Penis health: choosing the right lubricants

Having lubricant for sexual activity both as a couple and alone is a great idea. Excessive friction from masturbation and sex can eventually lead to partial desensitization of the penis, something that hampers a man’s ability to enjoy sexual activities. So, in order to maintain proper penis health, men must lubricate themselves. But where do

Vaginal smear

Why do doctors rub vaginas? When we see our doctor for abnormal vaginal symptoms such as itching, redness, pain, or unusual discharge from the vagina, your doctor may require tests to diagnose the cause. Vaginal swabbing allows your doctor to send samples from your vagina to a pathology lab where vaginal discharge (mucous) and loose

The best way to make your ex regret breaking up with you: act nonchalantly!

Even if you feel like you are dying inside after your breakup, you still love your ex deeply. Yes, he said things that hurt you a lot and you are also very angry, but still, the love you feel far outweighs those emotions. You desperately want your ex back, but how? Well, there is a

A review of the SongStation home karaoke machine player

While many karaoke enthusiasts are happy to build their own karaoke library, if you’re looking for something a little more advanced, SongStation Karaoke Machine is the perfect choice. SongStation Karaoke Machine is the best karaoke system on the market, as it is the only one available with more than 53,000 songs already pre-programmed. With such