6 ways sex is healthy for you

6 ways sex is healthy for you

Did you know that sex can actually be healthy for your body, mind, and spirit? If you are connected with a partner and you both freely choose to be together, the actual physical act of sexual contact can actually be beneficial to your health.

Here are 6 ways sex can really improve your physical health and your mood at the same time.

  1. Sex, like physical activity, burns calories. A sex date of about 1/2 hour could burn about 85 calories. Of course, a more vigorously active sexual encounter might burn more, and a very passive interaction might burn less. But it’s better than stuffing your face with chocolate cake or a pound of ice cream.
  2. Sex can temporarily relieve those nagging aches and pains that many of us have. Touching, caressing, and having an orgasm release large amounts of the hormone oxytocin, the cuddle hormone. The more actual physical contact, the higher the level of oxytocin. This, in turn, triggers the release of those feel-good endorphins that help all pain melt away as our cells are bathed in a sense of soothing calm.
  3. Sex reduces our stress level, lowers blood pressure and improves circulation. One study, published in the Journal of Biological Psychology found that having sex regularly can actually lower diastolic blood pressure in both cohabiting men and women, while other research found that just the act of cuddling could lower blood pressure in women.
  4. Sexual activity at least once or twice a week can improve the function of your immune system. This regular sexual activity has been associated with higher levels of IgA (Immunoglobulin A), an antibody that can help the body resist colds and other infections.
  5. Sexual activity can help you sleep better at night. Relaxing endorphins and calming oxytocin may be just what you need to finally get enough sleep after a stressful day or week. Sleep has been shown to be very important to your overall health, helping you maintain bodily functions like digestion, circulation, and keeping your body at a healthy weight.
  6. Sex improves your sense of self, your self-esteem, and can help create and maintain intimacy. Unless your partner has an abusive and unpleasant streak, the sexual act usually creates a level of harmony, trust and good feelings between two people. The flowing hormones help you communicate tenderly and enjoy the bonding process. If you want your partner to do something for you or buy you a special gift, at the height of a sexual experience he or she is probably much more generous and willing than at other times.

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