Foods That Cause Man Boobs

Foods That Cause Man Boobs

The most important thing in this lesson is for you to learn the foods that raise estrogen levels.

Don’t take the title of this article too literally. Obviously, it’s not like you eat something dark and wake up the next morning with gyno. The foods that trigger man boobs do so by raising estrogen levels, which causes your body to store fat cells behind the nipples and around the breast tissue.

When you’re trying to lose man boobs, the goal is to tone and burn your pecs, remove that fatty tissue, and replace it with a firmer, more toned chest. If you are eating foods that raise estrogen levels, you are unknowingly working against your main goal.

So here I will list the foods that will naturally increase your body’s estrogen levels or lower your body’s testosterone levels and make it harder to burn chest fat. These tips apply not only to people with gynecomastia, but also to those with pseudogynecomastia because I put fatty foods on my “avoid” list.

In case you’ve forgotten what pseudogynecomastia is, it’s man boobs caused by a general excess of body fat rather than hormonal imbalances. People with pseudogynecomastia should still avoid the foods mentioned below while on their weight loss regimen. The results will be much faster when you feed your body with the good manner. So without further ado…

Foods that sabotage the gynecomastia diet

soy protein

Soy proteins contain isoflavones that can mimic a weak estrogen effect. It is not the same as the estrogen that the body produces: it is 1000 times weaker than the estrogen in the body. However, continuous intake of such foods adds up.

Stay away from soy protein while losing man boobs. Yes, soy protein is very heart healthy and I have nothing against food in general. Anyway, that has It has been shown to raise estrogen levels. Soy milk, soybeans like Edimame, bodybuilding soy protein shakes, or even many commercial variety snacks should be avoided.

I used to binge on Odwalla soy chips and fruit juices at work and then found out they were loaded to the gills with soy. Eliminate these culprits fast.

Red meat

I know this is hard to take, but while you’re losing chest fat, you’ll simply have to give up red meat. It’s simply too fatty for the diet you’re trying to follow. The idea here is to rip and red meat just doesn’t fit into that lifestyle.

You can eat a piece of lean red meat once in a while, but I recommend sticking to fish, chicken, turkey, egg whites, and lean cuts of pork while following the gynecomastia diet.

Beer and wine

Just forget about it for a while, no exceptions. If you want to switch to vodka, it’s acceptable in small doses, but the fact is that alcohol will only set you back. Until your body is a fat-burning machine, don’t slow down your progress on these goals.

By removing alcohol from your diet, you will see results MUCH FASTER. The wasteful calories that come along with drinking can cause you to sabotage all your days of hard work of exercising and eating right in one night. Don’t fall victim to this big no no.


Well, it’s not technically a food, but marijuana will definitely work against you when it comes to burning chest fat. Marijuana has been shown to increase the size of fat cells in both men and women.

It also lowers testosterone levels, which in effect creates a more estrogen-rich environment in the body. The effect? You guessed it, more creation of fat deposits in the chest and breast area. Not good.

Fatty foods

This is just common sense. You shouldn’t be eating salty chips and cartons of ice cream. Stay fit and toned and you won’t be giving your body any excuse to pack on extra fat.

Are you starting to get the feeling that this requires a bit of effort on your part? Well duh! There is no overnight solution, but by following these guidelines you will see results totally faster. In reality, it just takes hard work and perseverance. Eat right, exercise, use a supplement like Gynexin and in no time, your man boobs will be history. That’s all. Simple. Now good luck and go ahead!

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