Are the oils obsolete?

Are the oils obsolete?

If we could go back in time and ask the masters, they would probably say that oil painting will always exist. it will? This is one art world arena that is selling out fast. Many artists still use oil paints, and until recently, I agreed. I reluctantly switched to acrylics when I had kids just because they were easier. However, I never liked them; in fact, I stopped painting for quite a while because I didn’t like acrylics very much.

I have always had several problems with acrylics. One, I don’t like the way they mix so fast. I am impatient and prefer wet to wet work. Therefore, I usually end up painting on something wet. With oils, you can shake, twist, and tap the brush on the canvas, but you still have the remnants of both colors when you’re done, while acrylics blend before you can put them on the brush to create a third color. Another problem is working time. Acrylics dry pretty quickly. I’m a fast painter, but I was continually frustrated when paint pooled on the brush. They do have extender products, but I’ve never found them satisfactory as they usually thinned the paint out too much. Finally, I have never liked the way the finished product looks with Acrylics. Sure, it can coat paint or give it a shine, but there’s nothing quite like the thick, rich, greasy look oils have. I just don’t like acrylics.

Do not misunderstand. Oils also have many negative traits. Cleanup is insufferable with all the solvents and clogged sinks (not too environmentally friendly, to its advocates). The biggest problem is that the oils NEVER dry out. You might have good skin on your paint after a month or so, but one bump or rub against it and you find his new shirt is ruined (or the interior of his car while transporting him to shows). ). Oils are also temperamental and start their own life on your canvas. Oils are subject to changes in temperature and humidity, causing them to crack if not treated properly. Despite its difficulties, I am adamant that there is nothing quite like the look of an oil painting. But wait, there is more.

I settled for a happy medium while in college. My paint of choice were the Alkyds. They were oils and had the same cleaning difficulty, but offered a faster drying time. This was great since I was transporting paints from one side of the class to the other. They were usually dry to the touch within a day or two and were pretty sure within a week. I enjoyed them because they worked like the original oils for blending purposes and general “feel” of the oils. Still, there was the problem of cleanliness.

Art supplies have come a long way. A few years ago, I discovered water-soluble oil-based paints that cleaned up with soap and water. They are flaxseed oil based (a common staple for anyone using traditional oils) I’m not a chemist and don’t know how exactly they do it, but I’m grateful to the person who understood the dilemma. They are a little more expensive, but what value is comfort and versatility to you?

No matter what your preferences are, there will always be controversy as to which is better. My lack of success with acrylics does not mean they are inferior. I’ve seen a lot of great artwork that was done in acrylics (and I’m wondering “how did they achieve that effect with acrylics?”). Obviously, there are pros and cons to all of the different options available to us today. I guess I’m kind of stuck in my ways and will always choose some type of oil paint.

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