Are you saying that getting vaccinated is a personal decision?: Think again !: 5 examples

Although, the vast majority of Americans seemed to consider the possibility of a vaccination against the virus, which created this recent pandemic, a possible savior, in order to protect them, and allow them to resume, in some appearance, a return to normality. – kind, life, it seems, too many, for a variety of reasons, they refuse to get vaccinated! Some of these people, believe in a conspiracy theory, or consider it a political symbol, etc., we often hear, these people claim that whether they get vaccinated or not is a personal choice, etc. If you really believe that, you are ignoring several significant realities / facts / factors, because, when it comes to public health, for the common good, common sense should tell you, your actions (whether you take some, or avoid them), often they affect others! With this in mind, this article will try, briefly, to consider, examine, review and discuss, 5 examples, which indicate that those, proceeding with these assumptions, should think again.

1. Impact on other people who are not vaccinated: Public health experts tell us that the terrible pandemic, caused by a COVID – type virus is now being driven by a variety of variants, and the only way to avoid, not reverse, health-threatening conditions is if at least 70% of the population takes the shot! At present, the most threatening variant appears to be something, termed, as, Delta variant, which has created a significant increase in cases, largely affecting the unvaccinated. Today, experts tell us that 97% or more of hospitalizations (and deaths) are among those who have not had injections! Unvaccinated people are predominantly infecting others, who have not helped themselves either, protecting them, following the science!

2. Children under 12 years: Currently, no vaccine has been approved for those under 12 years of age. Therefore, adults, who decide, it is their right, to refuse, to take any vaccine, potentially, they can harm these children, as well as others!

3. People with immunodeficiencies: Some people are more at risk because they have certain immune deficiencies and / or related conditions. While vaccines appear to be more than 90% effective for others, it is believed that these committed individuals are at higher risk.

Four. Others, who are vaccinated: There have been some cases, of people, who have been infected, even though they are vaccinated! However, they are believed to have been largely protected against the most serious effects.

5. End the terrible pandemic: Experts say that the only way we will return to normal and end the horrible pandemic is when we reach, group immunity, or somewhere close to that! This is believed to require that at least 70% of the population be treated effectively. Therefore, anyone who claims that it is their right and freedom to refuse any treatment, etc., is ignorant of how their behavior affects the common good.

We all want to see the end of this horrible pandemic and the return to a healthier, healthier and more normal life! Like it or not, your behavior has a significant effect on others!

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