Can D-ribose benefit cancer survivors?

Can D-ribose benefit cancer survivors?

Growing up with cancer is hard. However, living without cancer after treatment can also have its challenges. Side effects of cancer treatment can have many side effects.

For me, my energy levels, digestion, and heart all took a hit from cancer treatment. Oddly enough, the shock to my heart didn’t come until years later. Chest radiation and cardiotoxic chemotherapy took their toll. Surprisingly, however, I have been able to be very active. I have practiced martial arts for years and lifted weights regularly. Personally, I think these two things have made a huge difference in my overall health, for the better.

Also, taking supplements has always been a big part of my lifestyle. Along with diet, I have taken supplements including Omega 3 fish oil, milk thistle, magnesium, and coenzyme Q10 to name a few.

However, I recently learned about D-ribose. D-ribose is simply a sugar that is made by the body. It is the most basic form of energy in the body. It can be found in RNA and DNA. D-ribose is also found in foods including milk, cheese, eggs, sardines, etc.

One thing that really made me pay attention to D-ribose was how it can affect the heart, for the better. It is true. The heart makes enough simple sugar to maintain a healthy heart. The problem, however, is that hearts that have suffered some type of trauma may not be as efficient at producing D-ribose as a healthy heart.

Studies have shown that heart disease patients taking D-ribose have been able to exercise longer without angina. He too D-ribose supplement shown to lower low-density cholesterol (LDL). This is what is also known as the “bad cholesterol.”

Other studies have shown that D-ribose can increase energy, endurance, and strength. Personally, these things sound great to me as a cancer survivor. Energy level has not only been an issue for me, but for many other cancer survivors that I have also talked about. So, with the information out there about D-ribose, and based on the many studies I’ve read, D-ribose seems to be something that some cancer survivors might benefit from.

As always, it is very important to mention. If you are currently being treated for any medical conditions or are taking any medications, you should always check with your doctor before taking any type of supplement or before starting a new exercise program.

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