Clutter and Hoarding: Your Brain Chemistry Can Help!

Clutter and Hoarding: Your Brain Chemistry Can Help!

Many messes get frustrated, burn out easily, lose concentration, and simply get stressed. These problems may actually result from an imbalance in your brain chemistry. Sounds over the top or high tech? No problem. This is good news because the solutions are healthy and easy to do. Discover three easy ways to adjust your brain chemistry to work best for you today. It can stimulate your brain to help you clear your clutter!

Let’s take a quick look at what two brain chemicals do for your well-being. Dopamine is related to energy, clarity, the ability to focus, motivation, and pleasant feelings. Serotonin helps with mood control, “happy” feelings, calmness, anxiety management, depression prevention, and good sleep. Women generally have low serotonin levels, while men generally have low dopamine levels.

So, can your brain chemistry help you with the disorder? Many messes and hoarders tend to have many of the symptoms described for low serotonin and dopamine levels. There are some simple and safe ways to balance these chemicals. You can give yourself a big boost in clearing your mind and clutter.

Here are some easy things to consider. Nothing here is absolute, just see what works for you.

Proper Nutrition: Eating a nutritious breakfast is an important way to start the day. You could have a piece of fruit, some oatmeal and make sure you have some protein like an egg. You especially need protein, vitamins, minerals and Omega 3 to create serotonin and dopamine. Morning is the best time to create serotonin, so eat a healthy breakfast. Just keep it simple and delicious, avoiding sugary treats like donuts or chocolate bars.

Light exercise: Light exercise is a great way to raise dopamine and serotonin levels. According to Dr. John Gray, author of the well-known books on the relationship, diet, exercise, and stress between Mars and Venus, exercising in the morning for just 20 minutes helps increase serotonin and dopamine production throughout the day. day.

Talking to someone: Your serotonin production is stimulated when you share your concerns with a caring and understanding person who will listen. Low confidence and a lack of optimism are common in people who have low serotonin levels. Disorders and hoarders often feel that their situation is hopeless, so talking to someone can be a big help. If you don’t feel like talking at all or are too useless, this is a symptom of very low serotonin. This is especially a time to take care of yourself and reach out to others. Research has shown that hypnotherapy and/or cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) are effective in helping people reduce clutter and hoarding.

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