Essential Accessories for Elliptical Trainers

Essential Accessories for Elliptical Trainers

You have purchased your new elliptical trainer. She put it together, committed to training in it 4 times a week for 30 minutes, and even bought the latest pair of high-tech cross-training shoes. Congratulations! He is well on his way to reaching a new level of health and fitness. But let’s make sure we don’t forget anything that could enhance your elliptical training experience.

There are many workout accessories that we often take for granted when working out in a gym: things like TVs, piped music, water bottle holders, shelves for books and magazines, heart rate monitors, and the list goes on. It’s often a different story when you install an elliptical trainer in your home.

Below is a list of accessories to consider to improve your elliptical training:

* Magazine and bookcases — many ellipticals come with a built-in bookcase. However, this may be no more than a small shelf on the console that cannot hold more than a few sheets of paper. There is a wide variety of bookcases to choose from that slide over the elliptical console and can hold even the largest hardcover novels.

* Hydration-Pak — Some ellipticals are equipped with a water bottle holder, but the location may be difficult to access. Nathan has a nifty concept called the Hydration-Pak. It’s essentially a fanny pack that holds a water bottle and also has pockets for an MP3 player and nutrition bottle. Everything within easy reach during his elliptical workout.

* Monitor heartbeat — Again, many elliptical trainers come equipped with a heart rate monitor. There are two basic types: a wireless chest strap variety and others that are built into the grips. Wireless models tend to be more accurate. If your elliptical is Polar compatible, you can buy a Polar compatible heart rate monitor from another manufacturer and it will work with your elliptical. This is great for ellipticals that use the heart rate monitor to monitor resistance.

* Mp3 player — if you like to exercise to music and don’t want to disturb the rest of your household, then this is the way to go.

* set of weights — An elliptical trainer is primarily a cardiovascular training device. Sure, you can tone your arms and legs, but it’s an aerobic exercise while muscle building is anaerobic. For a very small investment, you can purchase an adjustable weight bench and a pair of adjustable dumbbells and add weight training to your exercise program. This will not only improve your physique, but will also greatly help you burn fat, since lean muscle burns more calories while you rest.

*Training log — it’s easy to become complacent about your exercise routine. Don’t just go through the motions every time you train by doing the same pace with the same resistance level for the same amount of time. It should be progressive and the best way to achieve this is to record your training sessions in an exercise training journal. Download a free exercise training journal and use it to keep your elliptical and weight training programs on track.

You may not need all of the elliptical trainer accessories on the list, but use them as a starting point and check back periodically as you progress through your elliptical training routine. Some of the items may start to look a bit more essential.

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