Gambling addiction?  How to play moderately and live a healthy lifestyle

Gambling addiction? How to play moderately and live a healthy lifestyle

Have you ever experienced the feeling that you want something? And, do you need it immediately without delay? Or the feeling that you want to eat your favorite food? And, when that food is in front of you, you will feel the thrill of putting that food in your mouth and tasting its sweetness.

Let’s talk about vices in black and white, such as the feeling of wanting to drink alcohol to be drunk, the desire to play, the need to smoke, etc. Or, let’s talk about our basic survival need: the need to eat, the feeling that you need a comfortable room right away, or the feeling of sleepiness and need a bed to rest your back and sleep. That feeling is the same as you feel when you are addicted to games.

I remember that I started playing PC games during my college days back in the year 2000. During my high school years, I used to tell myself that I would never play video games and never spend a hundred on them. Unfortunately, due to the pressure from my friends, my friends invited me to play PC games and I discovered something that makes me excited every time I walk into the computer store and sit on the chair bulging at the PC screen. .

To be honest, I’ve been playing since 2000 until now. But there is a big difference between now and then. Before, I can’t control the urge to play PC or video games. There is not a day that I do not touch a computer and play. Before, I would spend 10 hours a day at the computer store and skip meals just to satisfy my urge to play. Year 2001 I was diagnosed with Gastritis, worse result of spending more time in PC games. I even forgot to study my lessons. I was a graduate student back then when I was addicted to computer games. But thank God I was able to graduate from university and got considerable grades. But the addiction continued. After graduating from university I was able to get a good job. However, I was spending more time gaming than my job and I ended up hating work and favoring my gaming. Year 2005 I had a relationship that would bring me a wife and a family. During those times, that relationship was shaken and tested by my addiction. On impulse, I always played PC games than to be serious in my relationship. There were times when my girlfriend would look for me in all the computer stores because I never showed up for our date. When we got married and started a married life, of course a new couple started to buy home appliances. And do you know what my first favorite appliance was? Pop! Personal computer installed with games.

There was a time when I was out of work but I never felt worried. I loved staying at home and doing nothing but games. I used to wake up early in the morning to play. The cycle continued for several months. Prefer my PC games to anything else, including forgetting to go to church or any birthday gatherings or even spending time with my wife and friends. It’s gotten to the point that my favorite sounds are the battle cries of my favorite online character. There were times when I dreamed of those games that I played and always got a bad comment from my wife in the morning when I woke up. I really felt the urgency and excitement as I sat down and moved my mouse to hear the crashing sounds along with the graphic video characters. And, the worst thing that happened to me is imitating the mantra of those characters even when I’m walking. My parents, wife and friends said something negative about my gaming addiction. At first, I never accepted his feedback, however, I realized that I was addicted to PC games and it was ruining my whole life.

“In virtues medium stat”, “always stay in the middle”,

“In medio stat virtus:

Virtue is in the middle.

Virtue is in the moderate position, not in the extreme.”

That is what Aristotle said. Virtues stay in the middle when both sides are extreme. Any technological device that offers fun and excitement is designed for entertainment, but too much is extreme. After realizing that, I got caught up in the fight between the fantasy world and the real world. I even tried to sell my personal computer just to avoid being addicted, but it was not a guarantee. Computer stores are open 24 hours a day, 7 days. Awful! How am I going to stop this madness?

All I can say: it is a personal decision and all the fights can be done by you. Your parents, friends and family may offer you options, but it still comes down to your personal decision to say “NO” to your bad habit.

Things I do to overcome my struggle:

1. I never stop abruptly; I limited myself. Five hours of gaming first, 2 hours for the next few weeks, and a day or two of no gaming.

2. I avoid long term games like online games that would need more time just to level up.

3. I started by choosing a game that can be finished in a month. Like Call for Duty and its full version and other games that can be finished but not online games.

4. I controlled the impulse by firmly telling myself “NO” and it’s not time to play.

5. I kept telling myself not to be dumb and stupid, and to do real things and connect with real people.

6. I managed my time. Give time to your parents, family, children (if you have them) and friends.

7. When I feel like playing I try to stop it and say “NO”, that would be an indication that I can overcome my emotions. I usually go to another place without taking any equipment.

I love games and I love spending time with them, but no more than five hours or more in a day. There are things that are more important than that. That is just a wish and not a need. I do not give you any guarantee with all the things I listed above because it is you and yourself that is the main factor that can decide and change yourself. Just play moderately.

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