Information and communication technology (ICT): definition, advantages and disadvantages

This article will familiarize you with the definition, advantages and disadvantages of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It is important that you read carefully to understand the basics of information and communication technologies (ICT).

The definition

Information and communication technology (ICT), or Information Technology (IT) as it is abbreviated, means the use of computers and telecommunications technology and devices to produce, manipulate, store, transmit and retrieve information in a secure manner.

ICT tools

These are the tools or gadgets that are used to locate, explore and exchange information. They include the following devices: –

• Computers: desktops, laptops, pocket computers, PDAs, mainframes

• Phones

• Mobile phones (GSM)

• Fax machines

• Television set

• Satellites

• Internet

Advantages of ICT

The following are the advantages of information and communication technologies (ICT):

1. Provides timely, better and cheaper access to knowledge and information.

2. Accelerates business transactions, productions and management processes.

3. ICTs have made it possible for people around the world to access the Internet in a new and exciting way.

4. With the tools of ICT, business and transactions have become closer.

5. Provides a very reliable, flexible, fast and accurate means of disseminating information in modern times.

6. It offers job opportunities and opens up new career fields for people around the world.

7. It is also one of the best means of giving instructions in schools.

Disadvantages of ICT

Despite its many benefits, ICT has few limitations, some of which include: –

1. Job loss: the application of ICT in offices can reduce few jobs, as manual jobs and tasks are being automated.

2. Expensive: ICT components and tools can be expensive and inaccessible to the general public.

3. Loss of social bond: The implementation of ICT in all areas of life is limiting personal human relationships and physical contacts as more work and interactions are based online.

4. Crime: ICT can lead to an increase in crime ratings. People are being defrauded online. Cybercrimes such as identity theft, credit card scams, hacking, and hacking are on the rise. The internet is flooded with cybercriminals like hackers, perverts, and stalkers.

5. Abuse: this is another disadvantage of ICT. Some examples include pornography (especially child pornography), plagiarism, cyber warfare, spam, etc.

6. Addiction: The use of ICT is addictive. Obsessive users can be found spending hours online. This behavior can lead to stress and other health-related complications.

Many parents also believe that the most common adverse effects of ICT can include their child’s contact with aggressive or inappropriate content, endangering their physical health (visual impairment, stiffness, spinal injuries) as a result of prolonged sitting. computer time, obesity, and loss of contact with the real world leading to addiction. In addition, they also emphasize that all the positive effects are the acquisition of new knowledge and skills that the child can benefit from IT for future employment. Parents who feel that the use of ICT is more harmful than beneficial for their child; they argue by stating their views that a four-year-old is too young to be exposed to ICT.

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