Is it okay to swim while treating a yeast infection?

Is it okay to swim while treating a yeast infection?

Yeast infections are just one part of being a woman, it’s something that happens to women quite often and can be hard to avoid. When a woman gets a yeast infection, many questions may arise, such as whether she can swim while getting a yeast infection. It’s important that she knows what she should and shouldn’t do while treating her yeast infection, because not knowing could make her condition worse.

Yeast infections, while not that serious when treated quickly, can be a very frustrating and difficult period of time for women experiencing a yeast infection. If you want a short answer to your question, then yes, it’s okay to swim while treating your yeast infection. There are certain things you’ll want to keep in mind when swimming or participating in other activities, but chances are you can still go swimming. If you swim in chlorinated water, it can actually cause an infection. Chlorine tends to cause an imbalance within the vagina, sometimes leading to an infection.

If you’re going to swim as part of your daily or weekly exercise routine, or just for fun, there are certain things you’ll want to keep in mind. After you get out of the water, you’ll want to get naked as soon as possible. By keeping your bathing suit wet, you are contributing to the conditions under which bacteria take up residence and cause infections such as yeast infections. Afterward, be sure to wash the vaginal area well.

A yeast infection occurs when the natural amount of yeast in the body is upset and it begins to spread and grow, causing an infection. When you wear a wet bathing suit, that contributes to yeast growth and can worsen your condition, so remove your suit as soon as possible and wash.

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