Is November really worth trying to lose weight?

November can be quite a strange month if you are currently thinking about losing some weight. On the one hand, of course, you want to be a little slimmer, but on the other hand you know that you are likely to gain weight over Christmas, so it is probably a waste of time.

So, should you try to lose weight in November?

Well, my best advice would be to take a common sense approach during this particular month. It may not be wise to join a weight loss club or pay money for some new diet pills, but you should still lead a healthy lifestyle.

I am not a great dieter because I have always been very fit and exercise several times a week, and I often lose weight unintentionally.

So the key is to keep exercising during November and forget about trying to lose weight because it can come naturally if you are constantly burning a lot of calories.

It’s always advantageous to weigh a few pounds less before Christmas and New Years because then you can afford to indulge yourself this holiday season and have a little fun. Walking around the stores doing Christmas shopping is one way to burn off some extra calories.

However, I think sometimes it’s a better strategy to forget about starting a new diet in November or December and start over from scratch in January. You can still eat sensibly and get some exercise during these months, but you don’t need to worry too much if you don’t lose weight.

Once the holiday season is over in January, you will probably weigh several pounds more and then you can put in a real effort to get in shape. Right now, a lot of fitness DVDs are coming out and you will see advertisements for weight loss products wherever you look.

This is a time to increase your exercise regimen, whether it’s buying an exercise DVD or two or joining a gym and reducing your daily calorie intake. If you work hard, you should find that you can lose up to 3-5 pounds per week over the new year, and hopefully burn off all the extra fat you put on over the holiday season.

Weight-loss companies often report that November is one of the quietest months in terms of sales, and this is largely because many people aren’t interested in losing weight until after Christmas.

I think overall this is a pretty good idea, but of course you should try to lead a healthy lifestyle every month of the year if you want to avoid getting fat in the first place.

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