Is vulnerability a form of weakness?

Why it is important to be authentic during the self-development process.

Vulnerability is the birthplace of love, belonging, joy, courage, empathy, responsibility, and authenticity.

Brene Brown

When it comes to supporting our inner selves, warts and all, it is such a difficult aspect to think about doing, yet when it happens, the breakdown is immense and liberating as everything that has to do with personal development, It is not overnight. transformation. However, how are you going to take the steps to open up and reveal yourself as you are?

In my experience, vulnerability was not easy, it took me 37 years to realize that I did not know who I was, I needed to face some personal problems that were embedded in my psyche. It has been a progressive experience since I had to remove all the layers that had protected me or I suppose that prevented me from finding my true self. My self-confidence problem has always been a battle, as I never believed in myself and thought I was worthy of achieving what deep down I wanted to achieve. In the end I realize that I was my own obstacle, my own obstacle and that I self-sabotaged.

As much as I gave people good advice or a shoulder to cry on, I never felt comfortable bringing my inner fears and anxieties to my close friends and family. Not because I didn’t want to, because growing up, it wasn’t something we talked about. There was never a time when I sat down with my mother to talk about what was going on in my life, my experiences during my teenage years, even though I knew my parents loved me, we just never had deep level conversations so I just grew up. with a tough but philosophical perspective on problems. I didn’t realize that I was emotionally closed and it took me having my son to realize that I had to change. My son is sensitive and emotional and I was not sure how to deal with it at first and little by little I learned that I had to change, there were small steps, I still had a long way to go.

When you are emotionally closed, you learn to be a brilliant actor / actress, as you can overlook life experiences and block out the emotion that accompanies them. The last few months, I had to reassess and become vulnerable and honest with myself, I am embarking on a project that gives me financial and social freedom because I was afraid of failure, and connecting with people that I sat on this idea for so long. time until a very good friend of mine sat me down and we had a long talk. I started taking steps to improve my confidence, telling myself that I am worthy to pursue my dream and succeed. Now I perform daily rituals of

  • gratitude: being grateful for what I have and knowing the infinite possibilities that surround us.
  • be present – be present in the moment fully, whether with my family, friends or alone.
  • Having authentic conversations with my family and friends – Talking about my emotions or issues that come up rather than trying to tackle things on my own.

What are the steps you took to become more vulnerable? Is this something you had to learn in your adult life? What have you gained by showing your vulnerability? I would love to hear from you and learn, as I said in my previous paragraphs, it is not an overnight transformation, I am still working in progress and enjoying the journey, realizing that it is better to be real than perfect.

Until next time …

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