Ladies: You Could Be Trading Yeast Infections With Your Boyfriend

“Can I get a yeast infection from my girlfriend? I thought women only get yeast infection. How can a man get yeast infection?”

Ladies, I think you know where I’m going with this – these are just some of the comments made by the millions of men who are misinformed about yeast and Candida infections. Our good friends with that Y chromosome are completely in the dark, and it is your duty to educate your male partner and let him know that men are susceptible to yeast infections too.

Here’s the deal: yeast isn’t particularly picky about its host as long as the environment is warm and humid. Candida albicans (yeast infection) is fond of clammy and sweaty skin and this condition is boldly present during sexual intercourse.

Having said all this, it is quite common for men to contract a genital yeast infection if they have unprotected sex with a partner who has a yeast infection. The alteration of the normal conditions of the urethra of the males is what causes the excessive growth of the yeast. Men with uncircumcised penises are at higher risk due to the possibility of bacteria being stored under the foreskin. Encourage your partner to remove the foreskin during the shower to ensure cleanliness.

Important tips

* A yeast-infected woman who has unprotected sex with a man can infect her lover, treat her own infection, and then re-infect the next time she has sex with him.

* Although not confirmed, there are reports that condoms with spermicidal lubricants such as nonoxynol-9 influence anal yeast infections.

* If you or your partner have an active infection, refrain from sex or be sure to practice safe sex until you are both free from infection.

* Keep sex toys clean by regularly disinfecting with alcohol and rinsing

Male symptoms after intercourse

* Red rashes on the tip of the penis

* Itching or burning sensation at the tip of the penis

* Red rashes or boils on the thighs, gluteal folds, buttocks and scrotum

* White spots on the penis.

* Small red, itchy bumps


* Over-the-counter antifungal cream – Monistat

* Difflucan (fluconazole): very strong, will kill other good Candida species and good bacteria

The most important takeaway from this article is that even if you treat your own yeast infection, your partner can re-infect you the next time you have sex with him. So if you have recurring yeast infections or your partner has not completely cured their yeast infection, both of you will continue to exchange yeast infections, it is a vicious cycle.

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