Mobile devices: 8 dangers derived from excessive use

Mobile devices: 8 dangers derived from excessive use

Have you noticed that no matter where you go, today’s mobile devices are clearly visible in the hands of literally everyone? Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone only to find that their body language reflects their desire to interact more with their smartphone or computer than with you? How long do you usually go without checking your messages, sending text messages, posting updates on your social networking sites, or doing any task on your mobile devices? When you think about these questions, the answers can be quite perplexing.

Aside from reported cases of mobile phones overheating and exploding, or the theory that exposure to low-frequency radiation is thought to produce an acoustic neuroma, much attention and concern is focused on our pattern of disengagement behavior , influenced by the excessive use of mobile devices. While digital devices make it easy to access information, get directions, act as a stimulant to cure boredom or kill time, or shop online on the go, the controversial question is whether these devices promote complacency and leave us vulnerable in certain respects. areas of our life.

Due to such concerns, here are eight dangers that can result from excessive use of mobile devices:

1. Users are distracted and sometimes put others (such as children) or themselves at risk of danger, injury, or possible death.

2. Continuous use and staring at the screen, without reasonable rest or proper lubrication of the eyes, could lead to Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). This is a condition that occurs when the eyes become irritated, dry and where vision is possibly negatively affected.

3. Communication skills and engagement through meaningful verbal conversations decline.

4. Slouching or assuming a fixed and prolonged body position can trigger poor posture, resulting in headaches and neck pain related to “text neck.”

5. Discord or termination of intimate relationships may occur, due to negligence or spending more time playing with digital devices, compared to the time spent maintaining or building the relationship.

6. Overuse creates a deficiency in appreciation of the beauty of creation and its surroundings. Simple wonders go unnoticed.

7. Some health officials pointed out that heavy use of mobile devices could affect our health by creating mindless eating, resulting in weight gain.

8. Reduce quality time for uninterrupted personal reflection and meditation.

The capabilities we are witnessing in digital technology are impressive and have made great technological advances in the last two decades. Although mobile devices enable faster research, easier connection with others, are critical in emergency situations, or offer convenient shopping alternatives, digital addiction could have an adverse effect on our health, manual skill sets, and memory retention. As with anything that could pose a threat to your health and well-being, it’s important to periodically take a technology fast from these high-tech gadgets.

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