Natural Cure for Interstitial Cystitis

Natural Cure for Interstitial Cystitis

Is there a natural cure for interstitial cystitis? Although there is no known medical cure, there is positive evidence for a natural cure for this painful condition of the pelvic area.

Interstitial cystitis (IC) causes recurring discomfort in the bladder and surrounding pelvic region. It’s like having a chronic bladder infection, every day, all the time.

Symptoms of interstitial cystitis

Of the 1.4 million Americans with IC, the vast majority, more than one million, are women. And because symptoms vary so much from person to person, symptoms of interstitial cystitis are often misdiagnosed. These various symptoms may include:

o Mild or severe pain, pressure, or tenderness in the bladder and pelvic area

o Discomfort that increases or decreases as the bladder fills or empties

o Worsening of symptoms for women during menstruation

o An urgent or frequent need to urinate, or both

o Painful vaginal intercourse for women

Because symptoms can vary so much, many researchers believe that HF ​​could actually be several different diseases rather than just one. Therefore, they began to use the term painful bladder syndrome (PBS) to describe cases with painful urinary symptoms.

Some symptoms of IC/PBS resemble those of bacterial infections. But medical tests show that there are no active bacterial organisms in the urine of people with the disease.

This is the reason why antibiotics do not work to relieve the symptoms of interstitial cystitis.

Many people with IC/PBS symptoms find themselves making the rounds from specialist to specialist, often receiving treatment for recurrent bladder infections.

What is the interstitial cystitis?

Good question. But all that is really known is that IC is a chronic inflammation of the lining and walls of the bladder and that there is as yet no known cause or medical cure.

Some scientists suspect IC is the result of environmental allergies, food sensitivities, an autoimmune response, or associate it with other chronic diseases such as fibromyalgia.

And because many women with interstitial cystitis have other conditions, such as yeast infection, irritable bowel syndrome, or fibromyalgia, some scientists believe that IC/PBS may be a condition that causes inflammation in multiple organs and different parts of the body.

But even though scientists don’t know the exact cause, since the uncomfortable symptoms are the result of inflammation, interstitial cystitis most likely has a lot to do with our modern unhealthy diet of highly processed and lacking foods. of nutrients.

And, although there is no known medical cure, good nutrition can certainly help alleviate the condition and help the immune system begin the healing process.

Natural Cure for Interstitial Cystitis

It’s best to eat a highly nutritious diet, including more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean poultry, low-fat dairy, clean water, and plenty of cold-water omega-3 fish.

Avoid red meat, which triggers inflammation, processed foods, acidic foods like caffeine, and any foods you may be allergic to, like wheat, nuts, or chocolate.

To strengthen your immune system, supplement your diet with natural nutritional supplements from whole foods. Add especially anti-inflammatory omega 3 fish oil with EPA and DHA.

Numerous studies have shown that the EPA and DHA in fish oil act as highly effective anti-inflammatories, which can dramatically decrease painful inflammation in the bladder and pelvic area and work as a natural cure for interstitial cystitis symptoms.

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