Nose: homeoprophylaxis and treatment

Noses, also known as midgies, sandflies, and punks, are small red insects that thrive in humid environments that also promote mosquitoes. Like mosquitoes, they are blood-sucking insects, but they are barely visible biting flies, hence the common term “no-see-um.” Members of the family Ceratopogonidae, leave small, itchy red bumps or water-filled blisters. Once scratched, they split open and bleed. For most people and animals, these insects are annoying but not dangerous. Some have allergic reactions to stings. They can infect ruminants such as sheep, goats, bison and deer with the bluetongue virus, a non-zoonotic disease that is not known to be transmitted to humans.

Homeopathic remedies such as Staphysagria, Ledum palustre, Grindelia robusta, Cedron, and Urtica urens can be used to reduce the frequency and severity of bites from blood-sucking insects such as the nose. They are non-toxic and do not interact with medications or other preventive topical applications.

Staphysagria: for inflammation that is the result of an insect bite. It can range from redness and swelling to sores with green or yellow pus, hives, or crusty sores with water draining underneath. Staphysagria has been known since ancient Greece as the “vermin killer”. Taken homeopathically, it sends the message to blood-sucking insects like mosquitoes and the nose that “biting this one could be dangerous,” so they can land but then take off again without biting. In the 1960s, HL Trexler demonstrated this in a study that determined that it was 90% effective in preventing mosquito bites.

Ledum palustre: for puncture wounds of any insect or object, which often cause a marked discoloration that lasts for a long time afterwards. Swelling, itching, inflammation, red spots, and a rash; poison ivy-like blisters. The anti-tetanus properties are an advantage of this remedy.

Grindelia robusta: for insect bites that cause itching and burning. The eruptions can be vesicular and / or papular. It can also be effective for poison oak or herpetic eruptions and ulcers with puffy, purplish skin.

Cedron: For the affectations of the nerves that occur in exact periods is the most marked characteristic of this remedy. Antidote to the effect of snake bites and insect bites. There may be tremors and numbness of the whole body. Useful in cases of intermittent fever in humid, warm and swampy areas.

Urtica urens: for raised, itchy, burning red spots. Also for hives that get worse every year in the same season. Prickly heat. Elevated urticaria with rheumatism. Itchy water-filled blisters.

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