Push-Push Golf Carts: For Your Game, Your Health, and Your Wallet

Push-Push Golf Carts: For Your Game, Your Health, and Your Wallet

You’ve heard that “golf is a game of a lifetime”. It is a game that you can start playing when you are a young child and, as long as your health allows, you can continue playing well into your old age. And that’s the key, being healthy enough to keep playing and also being able to do it on a fixed income when you retire. As a former PGA teaching professional, here are some tips on how you can start to improve your health, possibly your game, and if you normally ride, save a lot of money in the process. Starting with the next time you play, instead of renting a buggy, consider walking around using a golf cart. This will immediately put you on the path to a healthier life, and if you play regularly and rent a buggy every time, with the amount of money you would save over the course of a season… well, let’s just say you could be playing with the latest team next year or pay a good chunk of your membership or putting green fees!

The most serious golfers spend hundreds of dollars on their game. Whether it’s new equipment, lessons, practice aids, or accessories, if they think they’ll improve your game, it’s worth the money. Many golfers have already discovered that by making a small investment in a golf cart, they can not only play the game they love and improve their health, but can also save hundreds of dollars over the course of a season. What are you going to do with all your extra money?

Push carts are being seen more and more on golf courses around the world. Golfers who are serious about their game are beginning to realize that walking when they play is not only good for their health, but many of them play better when they walk. Everyone strives for consistency in golf. However, it’s important to remember that being consistent isn’t just limited to swinging. Sure, having a steady swing will help, but what about between shots? When a player rides, after each shot, he gets into a cart with whomever he is riding with and drives to the ball that is furthest from the hole. Because that player got to his ball so quickly, he will probably have to stand and wait to make his next shot because the group ahead hasn’t cleared the green yet. If that player were walking, he would have walked at a constant pace from his previous shot to his next shot. They could also “see” the next shot they’re going to try to hit when approached from behind (something every tour pro does). The front group should be almost ready to leave the green, which means you can get into your pre-shot routine much sooner and therefore less standing time. Walking will allow you to play at a steady pace throughout the round.

We all know that walking is good for health. But I don’t remember ever seeing a person walking or running on the side of the road who looked like they were having a good time. As golfers, we have the luxury of being able to golf while walking. You will expend little to no additional energy using a push cart to move your clubs around the course as you play compared to carrying your clubs or pulling them behind you. The extra spring in your step that you will have at the end of your round can only serve to help your game.

Because 3 and 4 wheel push carts are becoming so popular and require less effort to use, many golf courses are now replacing their fleet with 2 wheelers. Along with many standard features, golfers who own their own cart can customize it with any number of golf cart accessories. Just about anything a player wants can be added to help make their round of golf almost as enjoyable as beating their best friend three ways in a $5 nassau.

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