Should women drink Guinness?

There are plenty of celebrities these days drinking black stuff, including actress Gwyneth Paltrow, however, should women drink Guinness, and more importantly, do they know how to drink Guinness? In the past, it has appeared that a pub in Limerick did not allow women to join a tasting session of the drink, but instead claimed that Guinness was for men only. When asked about this matter, they stated that this time they were only sampling from male drinkers, however, it raises the question of how many women actually drink the beverage.

Research shows that Guinness is actually good for you and is very popular with pregnant women. Guinness can prevent heart clots that increase the risk of heart attacks. It is also claimed to be high in iron, which is why it helps pregnant women. Since the UK has a huge market for black things, Nigeria in Africa has the second largest market for Guinness. This may seem heard to believe, as a large population lives below the poverty line. However, even those below the poverty line will spend their money on a pint of Guinness!

Recently, celebrities like Gemma Atkinson have been photographed drinking Guinness but WITHOUT letting their heads settle on her pint. This is a big no-no when it comes to drinking Guinness. It is vital that the girls who drink Guinness really know how to drink their pint. Women who drink Guinness are apparently one of the biggest turnoffs when it comes to going on a date, as claiming that girls who drink Guinness is a bit too manly.

So, as it seems, men don’t like women who drink Guinness. Is this another one of his ‘man things’ that girls are not supposed to be a part of? Who knows? All we know is that Guinness IS popular with pregnant women or not, celebrities or victims of poverty, male or female, who cares? If it makes you feel good and you drink responsibly, who are the men to object! If you type ‘women drinking Guinness’ into Google, you will find a girl beauty drinking black stuff and so be it. Enjoy girls!

Guinness facts

Employed around 12,500 people worldwide.

It produces its brands in around 50 countries.

It sells its beers in more than 150 countries.

It is one of the largest breweries in the world, measured by both operating profit and volume.

It produces the most distinctive and widely distributed beer in the world: GUINNESS Stout.

It has an 80 percent share of the global robust market.

It has a unique portfolio of national and international premium brands.

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