UNDETECTED Game Revenue and Stats on Steam


UNDETECTED is an action video game developed and published by Valve. It is available on Steam. The site uses data from the Steam software distribution service owned by Valve to estimate sales of software titles on its storefront. Galyonkin claims that his estimates are accurate to within 10%. This is a significant improvement over previous methods.

Typically, developers set the prices and dates of their game’s sales, but Steam may also offer its own promotions, like seasonal or holiday sales. Developers can opt into these sales to increase awareness of their game and encourage more people to buy it.

For example, 2D dungeon crawler The Binding of Isaac’s sales were multiplied by five and then sixty when it was featured on the front page as a Flash Deal. According to Holtman, these kinds of spikes aren’t unusual. “There’s no secret handshake a developer needs to know to get on the front page [during a sale]. All you need to do is put out a title consumers want to buy,” he says. But some games don’t see a boost after being discounted, possibly because they are already priced low.

UNDETECTED Game Revenue and Stats on Steam

undetected is a non-lethal stealth action game inspired by Metal Gear Solid and set in the Mexican Chicxulub Perpetual Energy Station. Players control cyber-augmented ex-CIMACORP agent Kaan who is tasked with finding members of a revolutionary group who have gone missing without alerting CIMACORP to his presence.

To accomplish this task, Kaan has access to a variety of tools including sponge bullets, slime bombs, flash grenades and a spooky hologram that can distract enemies while he takes them down in hand-to-hand combat. However, he must carefully avoid patches of light that reveal his location to enemies.

The motivation behind cheating varies from player to player. Some do it for the thrill of outsmarting the system or to show off their skills, while others cheat to maintain a high ranking or to gain an unfair advantage in competitive matches. Whatever the reason, the consequences can be far-reaching.

One of the most significant challenges in combating cheating is the ongoing cat-and-mouse game between cheat developers and game publishers. As developers create more sophisticated anti-cheat systems, cheat creators respond with equally advanced methods to evade detection. The battle between these two sides rages on, with cheat developers constantly seeking new vulnerabilities to exploit.

The impact of cheating on the gaming community is profound. Cheating not only ruins the experience for legitimate players but also damages the integrity of the games and their competitive scenes. In the world of esports, where large sums of money are on the line, cheating can lead to financial fraud and undermine the entire industry. Players and fans alike lose trust in the system, knowing that even professional players can be tempted to cheat for personal gain.

Despite being low-budgeted, Undetected manages to do some impressive things with its retro style. Its use of PS1 era models is very effective and the game has a good sense of atmosphere. However, there are a few issues that could have been avoided. The sound design is a bit inconsistent and there are times where rooms seem to repeat, but overall this game is worth checking out if you’re a fan of the MGS series.

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