What is a Reiki initiation?

The word attunement became a popular way of referring to opening someone else’s path to universal energy around the 1980s. The dictionary meaning for attunement is being or bringing harmony, or a feeling of being with one another. be. Being in harmony with anything requires inner balance and being in a state capable of receiving. Therefore, to open up to the form of energy commonly called Reiki, you must be in a receiving mode, and no one can force Reiki on anyone.

Herbalists, rangers, farmers, and others are in tune with nature. The earth and all nature on land, in water and in the air has its own form of energy. Anyone who is attracted to a plant, an animal or a bird without a logical reason, and is aware of that connection, knows that form of energy from nature.

As we all know from our science classes, energy cannot be created or destroyed, it changes shape; there are trillions of forms of energy. Your energy is a form known as life force, qui, ki, prana, and many other words in various languages. Usui Reiki Ryoho spiritual practice uses a unique form of universal energy that differs markedly from life force energy, so you must be open to that form of universal energy by a qualified Reiki Shihan (teacher). While Mikao Usui’s second awakening directly connected him with a powerful form of universal energy, throughout history different people have connected / used other forms of universal energy.

Every time you receive an initiation / empowerment / attunement from a Reiki Shihan (teacher), a shift occurs within your mind, body, or spirit as your path into the universe opens up a bit more to allow more universal energy to flow to you. through you. To fully open up to be one with the universe, which is beyond human comprehension, would require years of study, discipline, and practice. It took Mikao Usui years to gather knowledge of all kinds to even reach his first awakening. He did not connect to universal energy until his second awakening after 3 years of disciplined Zen practice, days of deep meditation, and hours of unconsciousness.

As popular as a phrase like Reiki attunement has become, the realization that Usui Reiki Ryoho is a spiritual practice is sometimes lost. Tuning is just the beginning, and sometimes it’s also among the missing. I first experienced Reiki in the 1980s, explored other energy practices, met Reiki teachers and practitioners, and then in the late 1990s, I connected with a talented Canadian Usui Reiki Master Ryoho Shihan. I was fortunate that he taught me that the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho is not complicated, but has a depth that requires time and guidance to understand how to embrace energy.

While I often say only the word “Reiki”, I know that “Reiki” alone does not necessarily represent the spiritual practice that Mikao Usui founded in the early 1920s. Richard Rivard explained that Reiki Ryoho was used for all styles of practical healing in Japan until sometime in the 1980s, so it is important to know the lineage from Reiki Shihan (teacher) to Mikao Usui. Mikao Usui’s system is unique, despite the fact that several teachers have combined other practices in the style they teach.

There are no deep, dark secrets to reveal about Usui Reiki Ryoho, although as a qualified Reiki Shihan he compared the society called Gakkai to Freemasons in that no one really knows what happens because members don’t discuss things outside their closed doors. Although anyone outside of Gakkai may not know everything that Mikao Usui knew and did, hours of guidance from the right teacher can help you gain the understanding to grow spiritually and improve all areas of life. Healing is a by-product of Usui Reiki Ryoho; the form of energy called Reiki balances and surrounds with harmony so that health and happiness can happen.

Reading an interview that Paul Mitchell, a Usui Shiki Ryoho (a style of Usui Reiki Ryoho) teacher, gave in October 2003, I saw an appropriate way of expressing how one teacher invites another to the spiritual practice of Usui Reiki Ryoho. He said. “Initiation is the sacred ritual that is passed down from master to master, which makes Dr. Usui’s gift available to us. It is spiritual transmission.” I do not agree with the Dr. placed in front of Mikao Usui’s name and the use of teacher, but that does not detract from the appreciation I have for the wisdom in Paul Mitchell’s description of a tune.

Mikao Usui never received a PhD, instead he walked a different path that left his footprints in the sand that no tide can wash away. He was a very intelligent and insightful man, and he deserved the translation from Sensei, who is an honorable teacher. Many people like me have spent years learning, continue to learn and grow, and we are honored when they choose us to be one person’s teacher. You may also meet a person who has completed several levels in Reiki and who simply does not mention Reiki. In this century, it is not surprising to meet doctors and other professionals who have completed various levels in some style of Usui Reiki. Once you have opened yourself to universal energy (attunement) and have learned to balance your logical mind and ego, Reiki can flow and enhance everything positive in your life.

No style of Usui Reiki Ryoho is better than any other style and it is better if you connect with the Reiki Shihan (teacher) that seems appropriate to you. However, I would not suggest, if you want to learn a spiritual practice, that you study 5239 Reiki. Nor would I suggest that your first choice of Reiki teacher is Reiki Kushida. On the other hand, even though Reiki Kushida is a Japanese astronomer who co-discovered the asteroid 4875 Ingallis, discovered at least 14 supernovae in other galaxies, and whose name is the asteroid 5239 Reiki, she could still have studied with members of Usui Reiki . Ryoho Gakkai.

Even if Reiki Kushida did not study Usui Reiki Ryoho, she may still have mentally connected with a part of herself that was a very strong energy when she looked through her telescope. There are various altered states of mind, which could be described as the same feeling as an attunement by someone who has not been connected to universal energy by a qualified Reiki Shihan. With guidance and practice, you can experience many energies simply within yourself, which are not universal energy and therefore are not Reiki. The form of energy called Reiki is unlike any other form and a Reiki attunement cannot be described in terms of other forms of energy.

I have received what are commonly called initiations in different styles of Usui Reiki Ryoho. The vibrations of love and the harmony of universal energy are always the same, but the human being through whom it flows can change the way the energy feels, looks and smells. Think of universal energy as pure water that comes from a spring in an intact natural forest. The water you drink from a paper cup will taste different than a glass or tin cup, different again depending on what other drink was in the cup or glass first, and different depending on how well the cup has been cleaned. cup or glass. The same is true of the universal energy that flows through the body, mind, and spirit. The universal energy that has not been altered has a very fine and delicate touch that for some of us also comes with a delicate scent.

It is everyone’s choice what they want to study, but not all roads lead to the same destination. Words have many meanings and when translated from another language it multiplies. Do you know the meaning of Japan? The kanji for Japan literally means “The origin of the sun”, or less literally, “Land of the rising sun”.

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