What is the best time of year to go on an African safari?

best time of year to go on an African safari

The best time of year to go on an African safari is not always the same as the best time for you. It depends on what you want to see and do, as well as whether or not you’re flexible with your travel dates.

Generally speaking, the summer months in Africa (October through May) are the hottest and most humid. They’re also the times of year when rainfall is highest and the vegetation thickest, making spotting wildlife more difficult.

It’s no secret that African Safari is beautiful and wild at all times of the year, but the weather can have a big impact on the experience. Below are 5 factors to consider when choosing the best time to go on an African safari:

What is the best time of year to go on an African safari?

When it comes to temperature, June is the hottest and driest month in most places across Africa. Daytime temperatures often reach the high twenties in some areas, while nighttime temps drop to the mid-teens and low thirties.

Spotting animals is easy in June because they’re out and about more often, but the heat can make for uncomfortable game drives and hikes. Keep an eye out for mosquitoes and thorny plants during this time as well.

The amount of rain that falls is unpredictable and depends on where you are in Africa. Some parts of the continent have torrential downpours while others have very little. For example, Namibia primarily a desert, but it does get a few downpours from December through March.

While it’s not ideal for a safari, the rainy season can bring some of Africa’s most stunning scenery to life. The Okavango Delta in Botswana is one of the most incredible natural wonders in the world, and it’s flooded with wild animals when it rains during the wet season.

It’s a bucket list destination for many, and the chance to see the Delta flooded is an unmissable attraction! July is the peak of the Great Migration in Kenya, and it’s a great time to visit Tanzania’s Serengeti National Park. You’ll catch a glimpse of wildebeests, zebras and antelope as they start their journey northward.

The northern Serengeti is the most impressive, as is Kenya’s Masai Mara and Tanzania’s Selous. The lions are out in full force in Masai Mara and elephants are spotted in the Tarangire area of Tanzania.

You’ll also be able to spot a variety of predators during this time, including hyenas, leopards and cheetahs. It’s a popular time for chimpanzee trekking, too.

Crowds are lower in the winter months in Africa’s top tourist spots, and prices will be a bit more reasonable. The water is a bit lower in places like Etosha and Zimbabwe, which means that you can go white water rafting after your game viewing.

The calving season starts in January, which is a big draw for animal lovers across the region. It’s a great time to visit Kenya, Uganda, or Tanzania and watch a wide range of adorable babies roam the parks.

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