Who was I in my past life?

Have you ever wondered who I was in my past life? You may have wondered this after hearing from someone about the possibility of having a life before this one. Many spiritualists have discovered through their higher source that many of us have a past that affects us tremendously in our current lives.

There are many people who feel that their past life may not be a concern to them now and who feel the need to move on. But how can you move forward if a block was created from a past life event?

For example, let’s say that in a past life you were a woman who was terribly hurt because a lover left you. This could have left you so scarred that it left a heart wound. In the next past lives, you feel like you can’t trust men as much or you may feel the deep need to feverishly try to hold on to a relationship, even if it’s time to let it go. These are just some of the symptoms of a blockage that could possibly even come from a past life.

Past regression procedure

After seriously asking who I was in my past life, you may choose to do a past life regression from a spiritual or psychic consultant. Be careful who you choose to perform this cleanse because many people claim to be spiritually connected, but they may just be intending to make money. Trust your body and follow your instincts.

The consultant is only guiding you through the process because your guides and angels are the ones doing all the work and guiding you through the healing process.

You will usually lie down and be asked to relax and clear your thoughts. As you relax, you will begin to notice that there are thoughts that attract you, but most likely they are not yours, as regression will occur. You will notice that these thoughts are different because they will not be from your typical thought pattern. For example, you can see yourself singing on stage on a stage from the 1920s.

Once the vision starts, just do it. Your angels will continue this until you see everything you need to see for that environment.

Benefits of past compensation

– Ego release (blockage)

– Improvement in certain physical problems or ailments.

– Certain problematic lifecycles that are normally repeated for you will no longer be

– New and improved perspective of your life.

– And much more

Lastly, after launch, your body will go through a detox period that typically lasts between 24 and 72 hours. Your consultant should be able to adjust these effects for you and provide you with a follow-up consultation if necessary.

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