Whole House Water Filters: Does Every Home Need One?

Whole House Water Filters: Does Every Home Need One?

Water filtration is an indispensable part of our world. We may like to assume that our water is safe to consume and drink, at least in the civilized world, but this is generally not the case at all. The vast majority of water naturally contains potentially harmful, even deadly substances and microbes, plus any powerful synthetic chemicals that may have found their way into a water source through the side effects of modern life and industry. Government water purification efforts often fall short and can be harmful in their own right.

One of the most important water filtration systems to consider is the whole house water filtration system. This is a filtration system that is designed to purify all the water in all parts of your home.

A whole house water filter system is a point-of-entry or point-of-entry system where one or more water filters are attached right at the location from which water enters your home. Often a water softener is also here to remove heavy metals right at the source.

Some people who have these POE filters also supplement them with POU, or point-of-use, filters that supplement the main filter. For example, inline reverse osmosis filters are often installed to filter water in water tanks as the water is drawn to a place of use. Reverse osmosis filters slow down the flow of water but are capable of capturing most contaminants. People with whole-house filtration systems may also have filters in their shower faucet heads to remove chlorine that didn’t filter out at the point of entry.

However, the whole house filtration system performs the full range of basic water filtration for each relevant area of ​​the house, and that includes drinking and laundry water.

Whole house filters have many benefits. Chemicals like chlorine are removed just before they can enter the home so they won’t be released into the air or get on clean clothes or dishes where they can still be toxic. The filters are so powerful that there is an extra level of security even without plugins like POU filters. In fact, whole-house filters are so good that they often reduce household allergy symptoms because fewer fungus, spores, mold, or other allergens make their way into the home (meaning whole-house water filters the house also contribute to better air quality inside the home). Whole house water filters are also the most efficient of filtration systems, since they filter at low temperatures.

And, if the local area’s water purification system ever becomes damaged, the entire home system will protect against the effects of that damage.

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