3D and 4D mind maps to track, analyze and program artificial intelligence

I recently had an interesting discussion with a graduate student from the US Midwest about the possibilities of a 3D and 4D mind map, which would actually take the whole MindMap concept to the next level. Currently, the online Think Tank deals with ongoing topics on the use of human mind maps and their uses

Digital Marketing: Revolutionized Marketing and Different Innovative Strategies

Digital marketing looks a lot like modern architecture in many ways. It’s the way of the world and these guidelines are just the beginning to get your business off to a good start. Mastering digital marketing is no piece of cake. According to the Institute of Digital Marketing, it is the required result of digital

Minerals and hormonal balance: what women need

It’s no secret that minerals are necessary for all bodily processes, but did you know that hormonal imbalances can also be attributed to mineral imbalances? Yes, essential nutrients affect the functioning of our hormones and that can have a great impact on life in general. Hormonal imbalances can cause weight gain, decreased sex drive, weight