A modern case of past life regression

Past Life Regression (PLR) can be both an experimental technique and a form of therapy, but it has scientific credibility only if reincarnation is scientifically proven to exist. The existence of reincarnation is not yet a scientific truth. Recent studies indicate that reincarnation deserves to be recognized as a scientific hypothesis because it can be

Dog Training – The 4 Quadrants of Operant Conditioning – What They Are and How They Are Used

Like people, dogs are motivated by gain and avoiding pain. Therefore, reinforcement or punishment can be used to train a dog. So what are reinforcements and punishments? Reinforcements are anything that increases the likelihood that a dog will repeat a particular behavior. Similarly, punishments are anything that makes a behavior less likely. However, what may

SERP Ranking Guide: How to Level Up Your Website’s SERP Ranking

SERP (search engine results page) ranking is the most desirable place you want to have for your website. That is the result of any query or question on Google. The higher SERP ranking will ensure more traffic to your website. This will ensure high conversion rates. Here’s a promising guide to getting a better ranking.