Amazon: What does Amazon’s sales range mean and is it significant?

The simple answer is that it means different things to different people, but I’ll expand on that.

If you are an customer looking at the “Product Details” for a specific book, you might interpret’s sales rank as a measure of the popularity of that book. The lower the sales ranking number, the more popular the book will be as determined by the number of recent sales of that title through the marketplace. This is true in general, but if you really want to know the popularity of a specific title, you should also consider the publication date and how long it has been marketed on For example, a book with an sales rank of 100,000 that has only been released and marketed on for a few days may become very popular in the near future and hit the top ten. That it is only ranked 100,000 at the moment is a bit misleading because the period of time over which this rank was determined is not really long enough to measure true popularity.

For a bookseller,’s sales rank is quite often correlated with how quickly a particular title could sell. A book with a very low rating number can be expected to sell within minutes to hours after listing, and a book with a 4,000,000 sales rating can take several years to sell. Bookstores frequently use the analogy when looking for books to add to their inventory. If a bookseller finds a book that has an online value of $ 10, an sales rank of 2,105,878 and is faced with buying it for $ 4, they will likely pass, but if the sales rank were 45,017, suddenly it could be a book worth adding to your inventory.

When searching for books, I look at’s sales range for higher-priced books because I don’t want to pile a lot of firewood on my shelves, but it’s certainly not the measure I use for most book purchases. The scientist in me wanted to know more, so I compiled ranking data for thousands of books I’ve sold, using rankings both at the time I bought them and the time I sold them. , respectively. As an engineer, I had to collect and torture data to see if there was any correlation between’s sales rank and the time it takes to sell a book. In fact, there is, at least in my experience, and doing a curve fit to the data returned a correlation coefficient of 0.93. The well-being of fit of the data is particularly evident on a semi-log plot.

You see,’s sales rank has a meaning.

For the book buyer, it is a measure of the popularity of a book.

For the bookseller, it is a measure of how quickly a book could sell and whether the book could simply be firewood.

For the engineer, it’s just a bunch of more data that can be tortured into a kind of confession.

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