At 50 years old, you still breastfeed, is it normal?

At 50 years old, you still breastfeed, is it normal?

“Only trees, rocks, and built structures remain static in their original state or location, even in the face of imminent destruction, but humans can avoid potential dangers and threats using their intelligence.”

A journey of a thousand miles, they say, begins with one foot. This is always true. The destination or end of these kilometers so to speak can sometimes be good, sometimes it can be bad. Sometimes it is said in maturity, that is, it is planned and in others, it is left to the fate of disorderly influence.

Philosophers quote that a thing is permanent, “change”, and this change can be positive or negative.

A baby born about fifty years ago, who is still crawling and nursing, needs serious medical or spiritual attention. In this context, is there any change in the life of that baby? What kind of care could be given to a country, fifty years old – medical, spiritual or otherwise?

On October 1, 1960, a new child was born and Nigeria became an independent nation, a country for Nigerians, governed by Nigerians and for the benefit of Nigerians. The joy of independence was enormous and the green-white-green was enthroned over the Union Jack (British flag). As the jubilation continues, it sought full control and gained Republic status in 11963, becoming the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The atmosphere created then was one of peace, hope, pride and dignity. That was the moment when you can proudly say “I am Nigerian”. Nigeria’s economy was recorded to be good and it was actually a world class assessment. The world was forced to recognize Africa and independent African nations like Nigeria. Today, the story is no longer the same, now it is the other way around. Everything changes over time, either for better or for worse. Nigeria still breastfeeds compared to other countries in her age group. Let us share the following reasons before concluding your own fact.

One of the main objectives of the country is to protect the life and property of its citizens. Este objetivo principal ha sido derrotado y está lejos[delosciudadanosdeestagrannaciónNohayseguridadenNigeria;susciudadanossonintimidadosdevezencuandoLosderechoshumanossonvioladosporlainseguridadElsecuestroesunnegociolucrativoenNigeriayaquelasvidasylaspropiedadesnoestánprotegidaslosbancossonasaltadosinclusoconavisoantesdeldíarealdelrobo[fetchedfromthecitizensofthisgreatnationThereisnosecurityinNigeria;hercitizensareintimidatedeverynowandthenHumanrightsareviolatedbecauseofareinsecurityKidnappingisalucrativebusinessinNigeriaaslivesandpropertiesarenotprotectedbanksarerobbedevenwithnoticebeforetheactualdayofrobbery[delosciudadanosdeestagrannaciónNohayseguridadenNigeria;susciudadanossonintimidadosdevezencuandoLosderechoshumanossonvioladosporlainseguridadElsecuestroesunnegociolucrativoenNigeriayaquelasvidasylaspropiedadesnoestánprotegidaslosbancossonasaltadosinclusoconavisoantesdeldíarealdelrobo[fetchedfromthecitizensofthisgreatnationThereisnosecurityinNigeria;hercitizensareintimidatedeverynowandthenHumanrightsareviolatedbecauseofareinsecurityKidnappingisalucrativebusinessinNigeriaaslivesandpropertiesarenotprotectedbanksarerobbedevenwithnoticebeforetheactualdayofrobbery

Imagine a country, celebrating its golden jubilee, and there was a bomb explosion in the territory of the federal capital. People live in fear while others leave their homes and properties seeking shelter where there is no shelter. I stick only to the biblical mandate: “If the Lord does not watch over a city, the sentinels do so in vain.”

The unemployment rate in the country is quite alarming. There are no jobs for the graduates who graduate from their colleges, let alone the non-graduates. Where is the hope of these future leaders when there is no foundation for them? How will these survive? Any plan for them?

The research showed that with a constant energy supply, the unemployment rate is reduced. The fact is that nothing can be planned with the energy supply in the country. You can’t even boast of a week-long power supply when other neighboring African countries are celebrating years or uninterrupted power supply.

When will she stop nursing and reach maturity? When will they change forever when almost all sectors of the country practice corruption and there is an economic collapse that has subjected the majority of citizens to extreme poverty? The marginalization, the strike, the political vandalism and the electoral fraud, the hired killers, the patronage, the accidental dismissal, the bad practice of the exam, the roads in ruins, etc., have taken over the day.

At 50, Nigeria is a young child and needs attention or guidance in all sectors. What legacy has she left for the sands of time? Where is her pride and dignity? I am Nigerian and I cannot run away from my beloved country. Let’s start building now because the foundations are deteriorated, let’s go to the ants, learn their ways and be wise.


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