Divination in numerology: transit letters and your name

Divination in numerology: transit letters and your name

Everyone loves to have their fortune told. The experience of a Tarot reading where someone tells you what will happen in the near future stirs your blood, even if you don’t really believe it. Numerology provides us with a similar tool that allows us to foresee certain important events in our lives. Read on and learn how to find out what your Traffic Charts predict for you.

Find your transit letters

Your Transit Charts, along with your Life Cycle and Personal Year numbers predict what general life experiences will bring you in the coming year. My own experience has been that the Transit charts are amazingly accurate in predicting the moods and circumstances that will befall you within the years that they are in effect. It’s similar to having a general Tarot reading every year that you can take to heart. Transit letters are calculated from your birth name, the one recorded on your original birth certificate. Misspellings and qualifiers like Jr. or III; all count as part of your birth name. Also, each word separate from your birth name gives you an active transit letter. So, for actor Christian Bale, his birth name of ‘Christian Charles Philip Bale’ will always give him (4) active Transit Letters at any time. Finally, each of these names has a period or cycle that is equal to the sum of the numerical values ​​of all the letters in the name. The cycle corresponds to the years necessary for each letter of the name to have its current turn once. When the loop is complete, it starts over with the first letter of the name and continues with another loop.

Christian Bale’s letters of transit

It is much easier to understand how transit letters are calculated with an example. So, let’s examine actor Christian Bale’s transit letters and see where he is at in life right now. His birth name ‘Christian Charles Philip Bale’ means that he has (4) transit letters in effect, one each of his names. Each letter has a corresponding number in Numerology that is based on its position in the alphabet. You can generate these numbers by traversing the alphabet, assigning the integers (1 through 9) to each successive letter, then starting again at (1) when you reach the end:

A = 1, B = 2, … I = 9, J = 1, K = 2, … Y = 7, Z = 8.

We can then decode each name in its own Transit cycle as follows:

Christian = C (3) + H (8) + R (9) + I (9) + S (1) + T (2) + I (9) + A (1) + N (5) = 47 Years.

Carlos = C (3) + H (8) + A (1) + R (9) + L (3) + E (5) + S (1) = 30 years.

Phillip = P (7) + H (8) + I (9) + L (3) + L (3) + I (9) + P (7) = 46 years.

Basel = B (2) + A (1) + L (3) + E (5) = 11 years.

Christian Bale was born in January 1974, so he is currently 34 years old; however, to count transit letters, we are interested in life years rather than age, so we add one to the working age and use (35).

Since the period of your first name is greater than your age, we only check the letters to see which one is current now. Your first transit letter will be an ‘I’. It lasts two years and has seven more to go. His second name has a validity of thirty years. When subtracted from his age, that leaves four years. His second transit letter is an ‘H’ which has just started this year and has seven more to go. His third name is one point greater than his age, so by counting the letters, we find that his third transit letter is an ‘I’ that has been in effect for four years and has five more years to go. His fourth name has a period of 11 years and has already been repeated three times. Subtracting (33) from his age leaves two, so his last transit letter is a ‘B’ and it started last year and will continue through this year. Therefore, Christian Bale’s current transit letters are ‘I’, ‘H’, ‘I’ and ‘B’. You can see how it’s done manually, but this is an ideal task for a computer program, which is where we’ll leave it in the future.

Interpretation of transit letters

We always treat duplicate or triple letters as a special case. They tend to be excessive and bring out the negative aspects of whatever brings the value of a single letter, because there is too much of a good thing. For example, Christian Bales ‘II’ portends a time of great difficulty to initiate plans or new projects in his life. His transit letter of ‘B’ marks a time when he needs to step back and take life easy. Loving relationships and business are favorable under the aspects of this card. Unfortunately, stress and nervous disorders are more likely under the effects of this card. Lastly, your transit letter of ‘H’ ensures professional growth and financial success. He should have opportunities to become more independent as long as he doesn’t rush things.

I can’t go into each individual letter here, but some general rules apply. The letters with periods of one year (‘A’, ‘J’ and ‘S’) bring dramatic changes to your life; its brief period magnifies its effect. The letters of the two-year period (‘B’, ‘K’ and ‘T’) bring possible health problems. The letters of the nine-year period (‘I’ and ‘R’) predict delays and difficulties in our plans. Finally, the nine letters that predict good fortune in business or finance are: ‘F’, ‘G’, ‘H’, ‘J’, ‘M’, ‘O’, ‘P’, ‘Q’ and Z ‘.

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