Goldy the sunflower oil and the birthday party

Goldy the sunflower oil and the birthday party

It’s a new day and a new weekend. Goldy the sunflower oil is ready to take on his new mission. Today is the day a little boy turns ten and all of his many friends have been invited. The food selection for the day is fried sandwiches, exactly what every child wants for breakfast, lunch and dinner.

On Mom’s list are mozzarella sticks, French fries, homemade chicken wings, and onion rings. Now Goldy knows this is going to be a big frying job and she will need to be at the right temperature to create the most delicious food for these kids.

Mozzarella sticks are possibly the easiest and longest lasting of the four dishes. Mom would first need to roll thick strips of mozzarella in breadcrumbs and eggs. She then she must quickly place the precooked product in the oil. Goldy knows that she just needs to fry the sticks until they are golden brown. That’s when they taste best.

Next on the list are the fries. These are not the fries that are conventional to most people, but round slices that are lightly fried and covered in paprika to add flavor. Goldy knows the kids will love it. On the side will be a delicious jalapeno mayonnaise sauce for those who want that extra bite of flavor.

Homemade chicken strips are easier to make than they seem. Raw chicken strips are coated with breadcrumbs, flour, salt, and pepper, then coated with egg. Chicken tastes best when it has been shredded a couple of times before frying in sunflower oil. Chicken should also be fried until golden and crispy. That’s when the flavors are at their best while keeping the chicken moist.

Last but not least, the onion rings. Mom cuts the onions into rings. These rings are not crumbled, but dipped in a mixture of flour and water. Mom then fries the last snack on the plate with the sunflower oil.

All the children ran to the table to grab the food before it was finished. They were so excited to have a bite of these homemade treats. Goldy the sunflower oiler was very happy to see the children’s reactions. She loved this deliciously fried food and soon ordered more. It seems that Goldy the Sunflower Oil has successfully completed one more mission.

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