How do I make my wife want me more?  5 steps to be more intimate with your wife

How do I make my wife want me more? 5 steps to be more intimate with your wife

What could be more important in life than a good relationship with your wife in the bedroom? Well, probably a lot of things. But then again, for most couples, when things go cold in the intimacy department, the rest of the relationship suffers. Seriously. And, given how central marriage is to a married person’s life, you could argue that having a great physical relationship with his wife is of the utmost importance.

All philosophical discussion aside, when things go wrong in terms of physical desire between husband and wife, it’s just not that much fun being married. Or go to work. Or go to the gym. On the contrary, during the moments when we experience sexual satisfaction with our partner, everything else in life seems to take on a special glow.

If you are a man who feels that the relationship with your wife is gone, no doubt you have tried hundreds of little things to change the situation. Unfortunately, most men (and women) lack the tools to properly address this complex and sensitive topic with their spouse, or even a friend who might be able to provide some much-needed advice.

If you’re wondering, “How do I make my wife want me more?” here are 5 steps to being more intimate with your wife:

1. Hang out with her more often:

Women who love their husbands almost universally report that they feel closer to them sexually when the husband makes an effort to spend at least some quality time with her as often as his schedule allows. Do you think your wife doesn’t notice her when you’re heading to the computer, watching TV, or going to the driving range when you could be spending time with her? Think again, she notices!

2. Ask her about her day and worry about the answer:

For women, communication is another aphrodisiac that works like a charm. There is no need to overwhelm her with attention. Rather, just a few well-formulated questions are required. Then let her talk while you listen carefully. While this may not necessarily start your engine the first time you try it, keep it up and see what happens.

3. Be more patient when you speak:

Women have very different communication styles than men. A woman tends to prefer what communication specialists call a more relational style of communication, while men are more transactional. For a woman, half or more of the value of good communication is in the very act of communicating, and not just in the “what” of the conversation.

4. Lighten your workload at home by 10%:

Here’s one that will do wonders for your libido: Do ​​some extra chores around the house, even if your wife doesn’t ask for them. He will instantly feel closer to you when he realizes that you are putting in the effort to make his life a little easier.

5. Make some special time just for the two of you:

No matter what happens, making love requires time and space. You need to create a time and space for the two of you to connect. So, make an effort to clear your schedule and turn off your phone once a week to get some alone time.

Do you think these 5 tips were invented by some crazy woman just to make you do more housework? It’s okay if you don’t believe me that these tips will greatly increase your chances of getting her wife into bed. But, try them anyway for two weeks and see what happens.

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