Make your craft display stand out from the crowd.

Make your craft display stand out from the crowd.

If you’ve decided to try your hand at setting up at craft fairs, festivals or flea markets, then you’ll need to have the right craft display to make your products stand out from the rest. This is especially important if you are selling something like jewelry or any other craft display staples. Having a great display of crafts can make a big difference between someone walking past you or stopping to take a look, and hopefully a sale. Here are some great ways to create an eye-catching craft display.

Craft Display Basics

When you start out you will need to buy the right equipment and this may be a small investment, but if you think you will continue to put on shows you will need the following:

o Canopy or tent – The right canopy or tent will protect your assets from rain and sun. Delicate crafts made from fabric, paper, or handmade clothing can be damaged by just a few hours of direct sunlight.

o Tables – Most craft shows require at least a table or two to set up. Buy the lightest and easiest to transport. You can find many aluminum models that fold easily and can be stored in almost any vehicle. Don’t forget a small chair for yourself.

o Weights – Be sure to bring weights, large fillable water bottles, or small sandbags. You will need to tie them to your tables or tent with bungee cords in case of a windy day.

o Display Cases – No matter what you’re selling, you can find the right craft display case for your items. Find retail providers or ask other providers. A thrift store can offer you some great items at low prices.

o Quality Fabric – Cover your tables with sparkly fabric. Take some time to come up with a great color scheme for your craft display. Work the color of your marquee, tablecloths and products into a harmonious display of craftsmanship.

beyond the basics

Once you have the basic equipment you’ll need for your craft display, you’ll need some creative ideas to attract people to your booth.

o The setup – Make sure your tables are located in a way that is easy for customers to see. Keep your tables close to the front of the tent so people can casually walk by. Don’t expect people to walk to the back of your booth, it may seem obvious, but people want to continue unless something really interests them.

o Height: Try hanging things from the store to draw people’s attention from afar. This can work for many items. If you can’t do that, be sure to vary the height of your tables. Use small shelves, boxes, or other display items to give tables a richer feel.

o Mirrors – Always bring a mirror for people to look at things they want to try on.

o Signage – Having a banner or business cards in plain view is a great idea. Even if someone doesn’t want something today, they can come back and find you or send you an email.

o Pricing – Many people find it very helpful to see clear price tags on items. Many buyers don’t feel comfortable discussing every item on the stand. If you are very busy, this will save you a lot of time answering questions.

Tips to stay ahead

If you’re a newcomer to the festival scene, you may not yet realize what allies other vendors can be for you. Although they may seem like the competition and in some cases they are, they can also help you give you valuable advice. Always remember to respect your boundaries with your craft display. Most of the arguments between vendors center around just an inch or two! When space is at a premium people can become very territorial, just remember to be careful with your craft display and stay on your neighbor’s good side. He’ll be the guy you trust with your craft display when it’s potty time. Follow these tips to have a great craft display whether you’re a newbie or a festival regular!

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