Practical Spirituality – The Third Force

Practical Spirituality – The Third Force

In our previous two articles on the Four Forces, we talked about interactions on the horizontal plane or axis. We speak of the centripetal force that pulls one inwards, towards the inner world. We also talk about the centrifugal force that pulls one towards the outside world and social interactions. When one was successfully alternating between each of these forces, he was moving on the horizontal axis in a figure eight. One would make several turns from the inside to the outside passing through the center, the place of balance. Healthy need would draw one out of oneself. Healthy fear would draw one back inside oneself. One would move back and forth on this horizontal plane, the physical plane of existence, until he experienced another feeling known as guilt.

If one experiences healthy guilt, it takes one away from the horizontal physical plane to the vertical spiritual plane. Gravity pulls you down so you can see your interactions with other people and with yourself. Gravity gives us the opportunity to see how we are treated and how we behave in life, and then allows us to correct inconsistencies. This is the result of healthy guilt. Unfortunately, in our society we have learned to experience an unhealthy guilt that prevents us from moving to the spiritual plane.

In a dualistic world where we are conditioned to see things one way or another, we have problems with guilt. Many of the religions, movies and media have taught us that we are bad people if we feel that we have done things wrong, even by mistake. When we experience unhealthy guilt, it pulls us back through the horizontal plane and back into ourselves. We are frozen and filled with guilt. We feel that we are bad people. We quickly go back inside, but we hate being there because we feel bad there, so we go back outside to social interactions.

As the guilt builds, we are pushed further and further into ourselves and ultimately further from ourselves until we harden and harden our conscience so that we are no longer sensitive to it and never enter it again. It’s a shame because healthy guilt helps us recognize that there is a break in our relationships and in our way of life. Without this guilt we spiral further and further away to forget ourselves. We forget who we are as divine beings and become trapped in the physical world. If there is any group, or any religious body that can solve us of the guilt, however, we do not harden, but rather we become more and more sensitive to it. We end up giving our power away to that group instead of dealing with the breakdown of our relationship that is happening. Although it seems that the group is giving us spirituality, it is not so, because in reality it keeps us in the physical plane where there is no opportunity for growth and spiritual transformation.

Healthy guilt releases us from the physical plane, as we move into gravity.

Gravity is at the lower end of the vertical axis. From that place we can see everything that is happening, on the horizontal axis. When we look up, we can see our own behaviors and we can see patterns in our lives. Gravity, just like the force in the outside world, acts in our lives even if we remain in the horizontal plane and do not perceive it, attracting other people and other situations into our lives. The rule of gravity is that you will receive whatever you allow into your life, or whatever you ask for.

If you keep facing the same situations in life over and over again, or the same problems, the same bad friends or bad partners, it is because of the effect of gravity. It is necessary to recognize it if you are living in a way that attracts unpleasant events and people to stop you. As long as you set up the circumstances of your life to create problems and discomfort, they will come, mainly because you have a hole somewhere. There is a void that is being filled by sick people or situations that you continually find yourself in. It is important then, during this time in the gravity state, to look at your life and your relationships fully. It is important to start making changes in your life so that you don’t end up in the same patterns over and over again and be proactive in life, instead of reacting to every problem that comes your way. After staying in gravity for a while, observing their interactions on the vertical plane, and taking control of their lives, they begin to realize that they are partly causing what is happening. You begin to realize that the same things are happening over and over again for you to learn and become a stronger person. This recognition leads you to the final force that we will talk about, the electromagnetic forces.

In our next article we will explore electromagnetic forces in detail. As in the horizontal plane, we will form a figure eight spiral through the center point and up to the electromagnetic forces. If you want to read more articles like this on various topics, it is our pleasure to provide them. Search this ezine or visit my website for our free Practical Spirituality Journal and Creation Spirituality Online Circle that you can access from our website. Peace be with all of you.

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