Open your flow of abundance and prosperity by giving thanks

Open your flow of abundance and prosperity by giving thanks

“The more we discover the magnitude and abundance of God’s gifts, the more we will find ourselves.” – Mother Teresa

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into” ~ Wayne Dyer

In a conversation with a dear friend and colleague, the topic of money and abundance came up. She has had a very prosperous year personally and in her business despite all the media reports about the economic climate. She is a very smart businesswoman and marketer, as well as having very attractive products and services that people are clamoring for, which would explain why she was so successful, right? Were her experience and marketing savvy the biggest keys to her success and abundance? Yes and no.

First, I want to make a comment about abundance. In most dictionaries, abundance is defined as: “A large or bountiful amount, an overflowing fullness, and an excess of sufficiency and wealth. People often equate abundance strictly in terms of money and do not recognize all forms of wealth.” that abundance can take in addition to money such as having an abundance of love, time, health, support from friends and colleagues, happy memories, knowledge, being willing to forgive… Being prosperous means giving and receiving abundance with joyful gratitude and humility for others. gifts and blessings flowing to and from you.

Give what you want most in your life for the joy of making another prosper, NOT for the purpose of getting something in return. You cannot enjoy the riches of the universe unless you are willing to share them with others. This is the meaning of the Law of Abundance, or The Divine Law of Prosperity. The spirit of this law asks us to take action to express thanks for the abundance that has already manifested in our lives and for the greater good that is yet to come.

So I asked him, “What else contributed to your having such a good and bountiful financial year?” She said that two things added to her success. The first was really listening to her inner guidance, inspiration and instincts to make life and business decisions that aligned with her spirit. Cold. That is what I believe is a key factor in having a prosperous life: listening and following the call of your heart.


She titles constantly. I have always admired her generosity and her loving heart.

My favorite book on tithing is written by my good friend Paula Langguth Ryan called Giving Thanks: The Art of Tithing.

What exactly is a title?

On page 22, Ella says, “Tithing is about saying thank you, which always starts with putting a little gratitude in our attitude. Giving thanks is about tithing with our money, but also with our thoughts, words, actions, time, effort and possessions. She reminds us to give thanks by sharing a loving and grateful heart with everyone and everything that comes into our lives for the role they play, even if that role is not welcome.

She also says that “tithing tests us with a proven systematic way of multiplying our good through a demonstration of our willingness to give back a tenth of all that we have received. We tithe as a token of gratitude for what we have already received.” given and as a symbol of our gratitude and faith in the fact that a greater good will come to us. Tithing is a way of showing that we are ready, willing, and able to embrace that greater abundance. The word tithe is based on the word tenth, which is believed to be a powerful number of increase. When we joyfully and selflessly thank God by sharing a tenth of the good we receive, we tap into the flow of abundance and our blessings are multiplied tenfold, even a hundredfold. .

Paula emphasizes that, “You do not have the obligation to start, you have the opportunity to start.”

Tithing is an act of faith rather than a duty or obligation. The tithe could be called a love offering, a voluntary gift, or a blessing that is voluntarily shared with another person without any expectation of payment. The size of the offering does not matter, the intention of the offering matters.

All that is freely given with gratitude will be multiplied and returned to you in expected and unexpected ways – The Divine Law of Prosperity

Are you hoarding your good?

Do you hold back from sharing with others because you’re afraid you won’t have enough?

Scarcity thinking and poverty consciousness will constantly block the flow of abundance, money and opportunities that come into your life and that the Universe wishes to give you>

Prosperity and abundance is not just about having money. Imagine having more joy, more love, health and vitality, greater freedom, peace of mind and time to spend with the people and things you love.

Consistent tithing practice will increase your inner wisdom, judgment, health, wealth, relationship satisfaction, spiritual connection, and open your receptivity to receive what you truly need without fear or expectation.

Give with joy and thanksgiving instead of annoyance, despair, frustration, or with the hope and expectation of something in return. Give with no strings attached as you would any gift from the heart.

Can you imagine what you can then share with others?

Who to own?

Give freely and generously to those who feed you spiritually. Your local spiritual centers, leaders, teachers, mentors are great places to start. Personally, I often entitle friends and colleagues who have helped me by offering healing sessions, business advice, and expertise. I also enjoy giving gifts to my local non-profit organization that feeds families in the area so they don’t go hungry. Give the tithe to whoever brings you spiritual inspiration, joy, help and comfort. Be sure to write your title check first, even if you can’t initially give a full 10%.

Do this for 30 days with joy and gratitude.

Open your heart, mind, and body to recognize all the gifts, blessings, and miracles of abundance flowing to you. Be aware of the many forms abundance takes from the penny on the sidewalk, a smile from a stranger, a new customer, a thank you email from a grateful customer for a friend, a new business opportunity… daily track your blessings in a journal and remember to say “Thank you”. for EVERY love offering that comes to you and you share freely when you feel led to bless another.

What comes back might not initially be in the form of money. For example, you may receive ideas, resources, connections with others, that will improve your financial situation in the long run. Be open to receiving the delightful ways the Universe responds to your wants and needs when you open your heart and checkbook with faith and gratitude.

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