Publishing an eBook: 3 common mistakes to avoid

Publishing an eBook: 3 common mistakes to avoid

The electronic book is not a new concept for any established writer. Ebooks have been on the market for years, yet not many writers know the best ways to make a profit from eBook publishing. Plan ahead to set yourself up to create the best earning potential with your eBooks and avoid common mistakes.

Thanks to advanced online technology, today the entire publishing industry has been revolutionized by the concept of desktop publishing. No more depending on a publisher to print and distribute your book. Now anyone with a talent for writing can choose to publish an e-book and sell it on numerous sites available on the Internet. Now that publishing an eBook is an easier task, it in no way diminishes the effort to create high quality and interesting content. Even today, a writer has to follow certain guidelines to create quality content.

Creativity and innovation are the keys to any successful book. Don’t be fooled when someone says that self-publishing an e-book is like one of those “get-rich-quick schemes” that requires only a one-time effort for lifetime profits.

Read on for common mistakes to avoid when publishing an eBook:

  1. If publishing an ebook is something you’d like to monetize, then the first step to consider is reader interest. In other words, do your research and find out what is the most sought after information in the niche you are writing for. Check out different forums for the top discussions, and then choose your ebook topics accordingly. Once you have chosen a theme, create a concept that attracts attention around you. Remember that if the concept is compelling enough to keep you glued to the end, you can be confident that it will grab the attention of your readers. So always follow the main interests of your reader, if your intention is to make a career and earn a good income writing.
  2. Every writer wants to make a perfect start. They want to create and publish an e-book aimed at a large audience. With this in mind, they tend to make the second mistake of spending too much time on research. It is an undeniable fact that the more information we have, the more confused we become, the same applies in writing as well. So try to simplify the things you want to cover in your ebook and research only those topics. Set a time limit (like 2-3 days) for your research, and then start your work.
  3. Information can quickly become outdated in our fast-paced information age. It is advisable to allow yourself the option to make changes to your existing book; and expand on it or create a series of books related to the topic of your first e-book. In fact, this is the best way to boost your career. Keep good records of your compiled information and writing phases so it’s easy to go back and update your eBook as needed. Alternatively, make your information as “timeless” as possible to avoid having to update it later.

Plan ahead to avoid these mistakes in the early stages of writing your ebook. Do your homework before you publish an ebook. As the saying goes, “It is better to prevent and prepare than to repent and repair.”

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