Set the stage for your own home sales success story

There is a new wave of home shows on television these days and the focus is on making a home look and sell quickly and for the best price. These shows have all the elements of a good plot; drama, comedy, suspense, bad guys, victims, good guys, and it always seems like a happy ending.

The drama unfolds with the set scene where the vendors, our victims, obviously desperately need a quick home makeover to sell the place. Bad guys, real estate agent, or potential buyers walk through the volunteer victim’s home and offer candid, sometimes rude, comments about what the home looks like. Victims usually sit like rabbits in a hole in a neighbor’s house and watch on TV how the scene unfolds and what these bad guys have to say about their place.

Wow, they need help! Here come to save the day, the helpful crew, our heroes; set designers, designers, painters, carpenters, videographers and of course our host, the assistant of our salesmen. They will rescue our victims and the sale of their home by putting it up for sale in less than 2 days and for less than it costs a day at Disney World. Everyone is happy and the show, I mean sales, is a success!

How can you, as a home seller, create this same experience without the United States seeing it, but reach your target audience: the buyers in your market? I’ll tell you how, SCENE your own property!

Staging is a marketing tool that highlights the best features in your home and minimizes the negatives. The staging is not about your personal style or taste.

Note that in most of these shows, the designer will “neutralize” the space and eliminate the often extravagant, cluttered, or outdated style of the owners in question. It’s about selling the space, the house itself, not the content. Buyers want to imagine themselves in this home, not yours.

Treating your home as a commodity for sale on the open market is the first step in separating from your home, it is now a product. It gets easier after that.

Here are some simple tips to help you get on the road to your own successful sale;

1. Tidy up, depersonalize and deep clean your place. All knickknacks, children’s artwork, family photos, and rooster collections should be packed and kept. Save them for your next place. Remove items that are not permanently attached to countertops in bathrooms and kitchens especially. You have to pack anyway, start early! Make your home cleaner than ever, including grout, wallplates, door frames, carpets, and windows.

2. Neutralize vibrant wall colors and remove wallpaper, even if it is a “designer” color, a faux finish that was popular 5 years ago or took 18 hours to dry. Buyers want a home that is move-in ready, and despite how you feel about the colors you love, buyers probably won’t and will see it as work to be done, not move-in ready. You can’t go wrong with a warm beige or taupe or an antique white. A fresh and clean palette says a lot.

3. Remove unnecessary furniture and rugs for storage. Keep only the pieces necessary to show the location and scale of the room. If your furniture is really in bad shape, consider buying some cheap new pieces or slip-resistant covers, you’ll take them to your next place, so why not get a little soaked? Carpets tend to create a flow disruption, especially if they are small and scattered around the house, this includes bathrooms. An anchor mat in the right ratio per room is fine if it’s not too busy. Buyers are buying square footage, space, flooring, architectural details, and countertops, not your furniture. Show them what they get by highlighting the house, not their stuff.

4. Find the focal point of the room and highlight it, don’t make it compete with something else. Maybe it’s the fireplace or the beautiful view, sell the focal point, don’t hide it! Large TV units are known to outshine the focal point of many rooms, if you can move or store them while you sell, you will be well ahead of the game.

5. Create an exterior curb appeal on both the front and rear of your property. Freshly trimmed and edged gardens, mulched flower beds, and seasonal flowers welcome visitors to a home that says, “I’ve been taken good care of.” Removing all excessive art and equipment from the lawn invites the buyer in and allows the imagination to flow. Keep hoses tight, pool toys put away, and barbecue grills to a minimum and out of sight, especially if they’ve seen better days.

By following these steps before listing and showing your home, you have improved one of the most important factors in the successful sale of your home, condition.

You, as the owner, are the only one who can control that. So whether you invite an HGTV crew, a professional home set designer, or a neighbor to help you, you’ve chosen to make your home the star of the real estate show in your local market, one that you have produced yourself and another. that it will surely have a happy ending.

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