Sex with the ex: is it the right move?

Sex with the ex: is it the right move?

Most of us humans yearn for something or someone out of our reach. This kicks in when we break up with the ex, but we long to have sex with the person because the sex was great. When feelings of lust come to the fore and become big, numerous reasons why the relationship didn’t work out may go unaccounted for. Many men and women today don’t find it strange to get back together with their ex for a quickie or a few days of raw sex.

Here are some thoughts that can help you analyze whether the path traveled once is worth the effort the second time.

The emotion

The excitement of having your cake and eating it without handling any real issues is part of the fun. A dose of unbridled sex with comings and goings makes it easy to get out. From snuggling to talking after the fun, wham and bam is enough! When we can’t get enough, even though we’ve technically had enough, the urge to probe deeper (sic) as to why the relationship didn’t work out in the first place can take over. This is precisely when the excitement has run out, it’s time to get out!

a dose of reality

The reasons, why the relationship didn’t work out in the first place, should be considered before you jump into bed with the ex, I think. The tendency to romanticize the couple is bound to provoke worse emotions after the affair(s). This is when basic reality can hit you making you realize that there was no point in going all the way, anyway. There was a reason why the relationship didn’t work out. That is precisely why it is better to never get on the horse again (figure of speech: take your pick).

Unrequited love, you think?

Maybe, just maybe there were feelings involved that brought the two of you together! Since you have a clear idea of ​​the other person’s needs and expect them to return the favor, longings for happily ever after can play havoc with your emotions. The excuse that time has changed them for the better can make you romanticize foreplay. A conversation with someone objective will help you determine if it was worth the effort to get to all points: G, E, and F.

hurt, again

Are you ready for the aftermath of undocking after docking? A big mess can come into play, leaving you with no time to heal old wounds that can manifest into bigger problems down the road. If there is a chance of getting back together, after seeking help, it is Can exercise. Being in the arms of someone you were familiar with may seem great, but the pain, again, isn’t worth the sex. Also, you should keep in mind, if the ex is happily married or gone, why cause an upset?

The simplicity of moving on

Lust is such a strange emotion; it can hit you at the strangest of times. People fall in love for a variety of reasons, with sex being one of the main contenders. The point here is do you really want to travel down the road with an ex? Isn’t it supposed to be just that? A person from your past that you loved has moved on and is laughing at the funny times you had in the past. When it’s time to say goodbye, do it and close the chapter. Saying hello again with an ulterior motive is not healthy.

The loneliness factor

Many people are alone. When an ex oozes charm shows up, getting in the saddle might seem ideal. Unfortunately, one of the players in the game has moved on, so trying to recreate a situation to deal with loneliness will never help you move on. That being said, I have heard many friends tell me that the best way to get over an ex is to get under him/her. Oh good. To each his own is all I say. As long as his emotions don’t fool him into thinking it’s the real deal.

This is my opinion. Going back never helped anyone. It’s better to move on, learn from mistakes and be happy.

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