Body Contouring – Cosmetic Surgery to Give You Shapely Curves

Body Contouring – Cosmetic Surgery to Give You Shapely Curves

Sometimes your clothes just don’t fit you and you wish you had softer lines and curves. Perhaps you have recently lost a lot of weight or had your last child and want to correct the damage done to your body.

You have several body contouring plastic surgery options to choose from. Depending on what you want to fix, there is a procedure to reshape your entire body.

1. Liposuction – This is the foundation for all other body contouring procedures. By eliminating pockets of fat, it improves the results of other surgeries. Before any lift, your surgeon may perform liposuction on the area to make sure everything lies as flat as possible.

2. Abdominoplasty: This procedure can do wonders for the shape of your body.

3. Thigh lift: Women tend to accumulate fat in the thighs. You know, the things that rub when you walk and move around on the outside. Making an incision in the groin crease, lift the inner thigh and remove excess skin. For the external part, the incision goes from the groin to the hip. Your legs will be slimmer and your buttocks will look much better.

4. Butt Lift: Just like everything else, your butt is going to droop as you get older. Saggy and saggy, your jeans don’t fit you anymore and forget about the bathing suit! Often your surgeon can combine your buttock lift with an outer thigh lift. This generates the best results for slimming and contouring the lines in that area.

5. Breast lift: Age, pregnancy and weight gain stretch the breasts. There are a couple of incision site options, but the end result is the same. Your surgeon lifts the breast to its normal location, removes excess loose skin, and repositions the nipple for a natural appearance. If necessary, he can also recommend implants to achieve the best results.

6. Arm Raise: Over time, the skin on the back of the arm falls prey to gravity and you get “bat wings.” The traditional technique leaves visible scars because the incision runs from the elbow to the armpit. But, if you’re a good candidate, there’s also a scar-free arm lift.

A small incision is made in the crease of the armpit so that it is hidden. This only works if you have minimal flab.

Your plastic surgeon must be board certified and licensed to practice. Also, make sure that he has the experience in body contouring techniques. He will assess your body, take into account the look you want, and make suggestions on how to achieve it. He may only need one or two procedures or he may need a total body lift. Once you’ve gone through the body contouring process, you’ll be amazed at how much better you look in and out of your clothes!

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