Can scented carpet powder irritate allergies and asthma?

Can scented carpet powder irritate allergies and asthma?

One of the main problems that any of you can encounter when trying to keep our homes fresh and clean is the need to continually use scented sprays and the worst offender is scented carpeting which can irritate allergies and trigger asthma. You may not be affected by scented carpet powder all year long, but no matter which allergy season you suffer the most, allergies are a serious problem for allergy sufferers especially that trigger asthma.

What causes odors to react to your senses?

No matter what odors trigger an allergic reaction, one of the biggest problems is overuse of any of the different scented carpet powders that irritate allergies. season, it simply breaks down and cannot block allergic reactions.

Avoid the breakdown

One of the best ways to avoid overloading your immune system and the eventual collapse of immunity is to look at items in your home that contain a large number of the listed chemicals and begin to adopt more chemical-free use of products. It is extremely difficult to avoid many of these scented powdered carpet products, or any chemical laden products, as they encourage us to keep our homes fresh and clean, but at the cost of many who find that scented carpet powder irritates allergies that get asthma. complaints

One of the worst offenders of asthma allergy complaints is ammonia, which is very evident in the products you use around your home, such as window cleaners. Another offender is in a cleaning product that may not even register as an allergen inducer for you and that is what is found in toilet bowl cleaners, Paradichlorobenzene. Even if you use your favorite furniture polish and tough cleaners, they all use a petroleum distillate as their base ingredient; all of which cause an asthmatic reaction.

Go natural!

One of the reasons we use scented carpet powder is pretty basic: to remove bad odors from our carpets. The best natural product you can use on your carpets to get rid of odors right away is to sprinkle baking soda on the carpet and leave it for a short period of time, then vacuum. This is a perfect solution also for those of us who forget where we vacuumed, as the white color of the baking soda acts as a guide for vacuuming.

If you are one of the 1% of the population that suffers from the effects of scented carpet dust irritating allergies and asthma as a result, you should look at all the labels in the home cleaning aisle to know exactly why this is a problem. and find a natural solution

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