Death does not respect people

Death does not respect people

Most of us live our lives without thinking about dying. Death and dying are inevitable for everyone. It does not depend on the color of your skin, your culture, background and status in life or who you are. This is a harsh reality, but it is the truth. It may also be uncomfortable for you to read and will cause some kind of controversy with the general public for being so forthright.

Have you made a living will for your family? Have you made plans about what will happen when you die? Do you know where you are going to spend eternity? Do you care about something? There is an afterlife that requires a deep examination of the soul and confronts its spirituality. It is ironic that we spend most of our lives in our physical existence and not long enough in our eternal existence. We are all accountable to a creator of the human race, who created us for a specific purpose here on earth.

Since we have established the fact that death does not respect people and that one day we will die, then the question is how prepared are you for death? Most of us are never ready. It always catches us off guard like a thief in the night and the shock of losing a loved one becomes infuriatingly overwhelming because we don’t know how to deal with the pain.

Why me is often the question we ask God. It is not a personal thing that only happens to you. It will happen to all of us during our lifetime. We will lose someone to death and we have to realize that.

We don’t want to think about that painful event before it happens and that is why we reach the point of depression and utter disbelief when the death of a loved one occurs. We must also be prepared for our own death.

Here are some important things you can do while you are alive:

· Review your spiritual life. Are you in tune with God and his purpose for your life?

· Are you fulfilling your purpose in life now?

· Have you made a will?

· Does your family know your last wishes?

Stay in good health to live longer by exercising and eating healthy.

Take the time to discuss these things with family and friends. They may not want to discuss it, but bring up the conversation as much as you can so they can start listening to it.

· Are you keeping a secret from your family?

Do you have good relationships with all members of your family? Life is too short to worry about little things. Forgive and reconcile anyone who has hurt you in the past. Free your conscience.

Face your fear of death and dying. It is unavoidable. So, prepare for it and make sure your spiritual life is solid before anything else.

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